7 Great Ideas to Start Generating Passive Income Today

generating passive income, passive income ideas, passive income tips

Passive Income is money received from a venture on some sort of routine basis, with little effort required to maintain the cash flowing in. Passive income is not money for nothing, however. Most types of passive income take some degree of effort to establish. However, once you’ve successfully launched a passive income stream, it is … Read more

7 Steps to Eating Healthier and Becoming Wealthier

eating healthier tips, getting wealthier tips, eat healthy and be wealthy

Do you know why most lifestyle changes don’t work? It’s because there’s a sudden change in lifestyle. It’s a shock to your system. Instead of abruptly adopting healthy habits, let it be a gradual change. This way worked best for me. Today, about 6 months after I started my transformation, I don’t even want junk food. Seriously, … Read more