How Soon After I am Injured do I have to File a Lawsuit? How Long Will I have to File a Claim?

This article is for people who’ve been injured in an accident and need help thinking through the next steps.

Getting injured in a car accident can mean dealing with an enormous amount of pain and going to multiple doctor’s appointments. It can mean time missed away from work. You may even miss important once in a lifetime personal events after a crash. You have paid into the insurance system and you will certainly want to file a claim to be reimbursed for your car repairs and medical bills. You may also be entitled to recover money for pain and suffering. If you have lost a loved one to an accident, or if you cannot reach a settlement with an insurance company, you may want to consider suing an at-fault driver or a company that was responsible for the accident. It always helps to know how long you have to file an insurance claim or file a lawsuit.

This posting is mostly for those in California and New York states, the two most populous states in the Union.

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How do you prove malpractice?

Medical malpractice lawsuits happen very frequently in the United States. If you feel that a medical professional is responsible for your injury in any way, you may be contemplating the idea of suing for malpractice yourself. However, before you proceed, you must know that there are certain elements that must be present before your malpractice case can move forward.

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What benefits do asylum seekers get in the USA?

If you are a refugee, you most likely find yourself in a situation where you were forced to leave your homeland for reasons beyond your control. You become an asylum seeker if you are looking to get protection from a country that is not your own, and your asylum claim has not been fully accepted and processed by the country where you are applying to be admitted.

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Why It’s Important to Find Your Financial Guru

If you want to reduce your expenses and maximize your income, you need a financial guru to help maximize your outcome. Finding a financial voice that motivates and resonates with you is important. Developing a healthy financial relationship with money is key to unlocking the next step of your personal financial success. What Is a … Read more

First Car Accident? Here’s How to File an Insurance Claim in Florida

Car Accident

car accident

Having a car accident can be scary, especially if you have never had one before.

Even if you are an excellent driver you could still end up in an accident. You can’t control the other drivers or nature. Knowing what to do when you have an accident is in your control. There are important steps you should take when you have a car accident. Keep reading to learn how to file an insurance claim and what do when you have an accident.

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