The Benefits and Drawbacks of Using Technological Platforms

Technology has transformed our lives and our society in many ways. But, it has its drawbacks. For example, some people become too preoccupied with their devices and ignore real-life events. This article examines the role of technology platforms in a business environment with the help of an ecosystem perspective. It considers the following four aspects … Read more

Do you need to tip a house painter?

When it is time to repaint, is it good etiquette to tip a house painter? Some people are more prone to tip, while others feel the base price should suffice for the work. Which is correct? A lot depends on the context of the work being done. Are you hiring on behalf of your boss? … Read more

How Long Can You Go Over Your Oil Change?

Do you need an oil change and you’re worried about having to delay it? Many things can go wrong with your automobile–brakes wear out, transmissions need replacing, and sooner or later you’ll face having to deal with replacing your muffler, fuel filter, getting your air conditioning recharged, etc. Some things are normal wear and tear … Read more

How We’re Learning to Travel for Free with Credit Card Points

Airplane taking off

This year, my husband will travel to Japan once by himself. Then, a few months later, our family of five will go to Japan. We knew this summer filled with two international vacations was an opportunity to learn how to travel for free with credit card points and airline miles. We could take these trips … Read more

5 Tips for Starting a Small Business

Starting a small business may, at first utterance, sound like an easy venture when in fact it’s the total opposite. There are many factors at play when starting your company, not to mention much-needed funds to keep your business functioning. Opening a small company and running it well is possible for most people. We’re sharing … Read more