Have you ever thought, “I should write a book?” Do you have a lot of opinions and want to share them in a safe space? Perhaps you want to write that bestseller you’ve been sitting on for a decade. Either way, here are three reasons why you should write a book.
Writing is Self Care
First, expressing your creativity is a form of self-care. You’re working your brain while allowing yourself to dream and conjure fresh ideas. Your mind can roam from one concept to the next without any boundaries. If you feel the need to escape your reality, you can write to create your perfect world. If you have a busy mind churning with random thoughts, writing them down can bring your peace and clarity. You can focus on yourself and your emotions without restriction.
An easy way to start is by journaling daily. Write down your thoughts and feelings throughout the day. If you have vivid dreams, considering keeping a notepad by your bedside to write them down when you awake. Another routine is called “morning pages,” where you write your thoughts without restriction first thing in the morning. Generally, you would write three pages of whatever comes to mind.
Share Your Experience
The second reason to write is that there is someone who needs your knowledge, experience, or creativity. Every time I share an adventure or a tribulation, I always receive positive feedback. I started blogging accidentally by sharing my experiences with money. From there, it snowballed into strangers sending me messages on social media asking for advice about budgeting and saving.
I didn’t expect people to react that way, but I gave them something they needed. When I shared my cancer diagnosis and the treatment after that, I was able to help even more people. I still receive messages years later from those newly diagnosed or wanting to encourage me.
You never know who needs to know your story and how it can change their life or yours. However, it can be fictional and still be evocative. Harry Potter went from dozens of rejections to a seven-book series, eight movies, and a theme park. It was translated in 80 languages and has sold over 500,000,000 copies. I doubt J.K. Rowling knew her story would grow to these levels.
Make Additional Income
Lastly, writing can be a source of additional income. You can make money from every sale of an ebook or paperback from one manuscript. You can keep more cash if you self-publish. Creating a series opens up more opportunities for income and book deals with large publishers.
If you create a blog first, you have a chance to monetize in several different ways before publishing. Some of the options are advertisements, sponsored content, and guest posts. A popular blog can also lead to a publishing deal or create a large following to generate high sales of your book.
Writing a book may not be for everyone. However, if you’ve ever considered doing it, it is high time that you started.
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