While drenching most cats in water makes them uncomfortable and aggressive, with some, there’s hardly a problem. They even seek out water to play with. From cats that need it to cool off to cats that sailed with Vikings, here are 19 cat breeds that love to have water around them.
Turkish Van
The Turkish Van hails from Turkey’s Lake Van region, so it isn’t hard to see why they play with water any chance they get. They’re also built for water. Alongside plumed tails, Turkish Vans have a semi-long coat of fur that’s water-repellent and ensures they remain dry after a quick dip.
Maine Coon
The Maine Coon is one of the largest and most affectionate cat breeds around. It’s also one built almost specifically for water. These cats come with water-resistant fur, and some even say their ancestors sailed on ships with the Vikings, as reported by Cleveland.
Japanese Bobtail
The Japanese Bobtail is a cat native to Southeast Asia and southern China that gets extremely curious around water. They come with tails closely identical to those of rabbits and are extremely smart, which makes them unique, fun pets to keep around.
The Manx originated from islands in the U.K., and it’s no surprise how well-suited they are for wet environments. They are typically drawn toward swimming, and won’t pass up getting themselves wet any chance they get.
Norwegian Forest Cat
One of the parent-breeds of the Maine Coon, the Norwegian Forest Cat also comes with a thick, water-resistant fur coat. It originates from the cold climes of Scandinavia, so it wouldn’t be fazed by a dip in the bathtub or pool. They are also one of the most social and adaptable breeds around.
American Shorthair
For American Shorthairs, it’s all about having fun with water. You see them spill some water out of their bowl every time, almost making you think they’re intentionally being naughty. It’s just their natural instinct making them curious about it, that’s all.
British Shorthair
British Shorthairs also have the same level of curiosity and playfulness as their American counterparts. What they particularly like, however, is running water. You’ll often see them playing with drips from faucets or water running down your shower.
Bengal cats interact with water anywhere they find it. They have an Asian leopard ancestor, which makes them related to fishing cats and allows them to be excellent swimmers. Bengal cats will drink water directly from the tap and even follow you into the bathtub.
Abyssinians may be less affectionate than a lot of cats on our list, but they make up for this in entertaining playfulness. They love exploring, and having a dip in water to satisfy their curiosity is never a bad idea for them.
Snowshoe cats are one of the rarest in the U.S. and are also part of the few cat breeds that enjoy getting wet. They don’t just stop at their bowls or shallow puddles. They enjoy taking deep dives into the water and can get entertained with water for hours, as Hill’s shares.
Sphynx cats are hairless, and this condition exposes their skin to dirt and unhealthy oils. You give them regular baths when they’re kittens, and they quickly grow accustomed to being wet. Getting dipped in water is like a necessity for them, and they particularly enjoy warm baths.
Turkish Angora
Hailing from Ankara, the Angoras are another breed from Turkey that never shies away from getting wet. They don’t just play with their water bowl or hop in the shower with you; you’ll also see them jump into deep water to play and paddle around.
The Savannah cats have a serval ancestry, as they’re related to exotic wild cats from Africa. Hence, they come with an athletic build and engage in demanding activities a lot. It isn’t uncommon to see them specifically seek out water bodies to cool off after a round of playtime.
Originating from the harsh climes of Russia, Siberian cats come with a luxurious triple coat that protects them from cold and makes them water resistant. They’re also a playful, curious breed that’ll spill water from bowls and follow you into the shower.
Egyptian Mau
Egyptian Maus are not just extremely intelligent, but they are also the fastest domestic cat breeds alive. They love fresh water, so much so that WebMD reports that they learn to turn on water faucets if they can’t find any other clean source. They also don’t run away from some splash time.
Highlanders are one of the newer cat breeds. These intelligent cats are highly inquisitive and would explore bodies of water if they had to. What’s more, they can even learn to play fetch, chase, and walk on a leash, making them great social pets.
Siamese cats are another playful breed that gets curious around water. As some of the most social cats around, they’ll keep you company in the kitchen and follow you to the bathroom without worrying about water splashing on them. Although a bath is fine, they may not like getting dunked in deeper bodies of water.
Burmese cats are a hybrid of the American Siamese with a calmer but equally social personality. These cats won’t struggle with dips in water as long as they’re with you, and you’ll also see them play with their water bowls to fulfill their curiosity.
Selkirk Rex
Selkirk Rex cats come with thick, curly hair that can get too oily for their well-being. As WebMD puts it, “Rex cats may accumulate oil on their skin, causing skin problems. Their skin may feel greasy or become irritated. Most cats seldom need baths, but Selkirks may need occasional baths to keep the hair from becoming too oily.” When it comes to having a drink, some of them also prefer running water to still water.
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