If you’re a Harry Potter fan who loves the books just as much as the movies, then you may find yourself guessing what important parts of the story mean. Here are 20 messages that most people don’t know are in the Harry Potter books to help clear up those guesses.
The Power of Love
The power of love is a huge theme in the Harry Potter books, and it starts with Harry Potter having protection from the killing curse. For example, Harry Potter Wiki writes, “Love was one of the hardest and strongest kinds of magic and as such, provided the only defense for the Killing Curse.”
Discrimination and Prejudice
J.K. Rowling constantly addresses discrimination and prejudice in her books. She shows this through blood purity and societal divisions. The impact of discrimination has affected characters such as Hermione Granger, who has muggle parents and is bullied for this while at school.
The Power of Friendship
The power of friendship is shown through the strong bond of Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Rowling showed friendship as a source of strength through the books and how tasks were much easier to accomplish if you had a friend by your side. Other hidden messages include Rowling teaching readers lessons on loyalty and trust.
The Consequences of Actions
The ripple effect that comes with decisions is apparent in the Harry Potter books. A clear example of this is when Voldemort makes the decision to kill Harry as a baby, which then leads to his demise. The theme of accountability is strong throughout the entire Harry Potter series.
The Importance of Education
Kent Teach writes, “J.K. Rowling has had a profoundly positive impact on education in numerous ways.” J.K. Rowling revealed in the books the importance of studying and that it’s a good thing to be smart, which was primarily shown through Hermione’s character. Hogwarts was seen as a place to learn and grow, and this can help characters overcome challenges.
The Struggle Between Good and Evil
Rowling illustrated throughout her books that sometimes good and evil aren’t always so black and white. Many characters had to make a choice between what was right and what was easy, especially through the character of Severus Snape. These hidden messages of good and evil gave the series philosophical underpinnings.
The Importance of Sacrifice
The main character, Harry, takes part in many selfless acts throughout the series. For example, Medium writes that he sacrifices himself in the forest to save his friends, much like his mother did for him. There is a huge theme of sacrifice in the books, particularly in the fight against evil.
The Power of Imagination
Rowling celebrates creativity in the book. The series is an ode to the wonders of imagination, and this encourages readers to explore new worlds. Rowling had the incredible gift of making an entire world of imagination seem like a real-life world. Not many people have the ability to do this, and it encourages others to use their imaginations more.
The Importance of Trust
Trust isn’t just found between Harry, Ron, and Hermione but also between other alliances, such as the Order of the Phoenix. Rowling also demonstrates that if a person betrays this trust, then there can be huge consequences. There’s also the role trust plays when it comes to overcoming obstacles.
The Journey to Self-Discovery
Rowling ensured there was plenty of character growth in her books, especially for Harry. For example, MuggleNet writes, “His growth is impacted by the decisions he makes starting out as a child, turning into a teenager, as he becomes a good student, and as he turns into a man.”
The Role of Fate and Free Will
Rowling created the perfect balance between prophecy and free will in her books. She created prophecies that had a huge impact on her characters’ journeys, but she also allowed characters to have a choice when it came to their destinies. She had characters challenge their predetermined paths, such as Snape, who chose good over evil.
The Complexity of Heroism
A hidden message in the series shows that bravery and courage can come in different forms. For example, in the first book, Neville stands up to his friends to try to stop them from sneaking out of the common room. There are unlikely heroes in the novels, and this questions the traditional hero archetypes.
The Impact of Loss and Grief
Penn Medicine News writes, “Harry Potter highlights the power and importance of positive support systems after going through a loss.” Rowling shows us how different characters deal with death and grief, and how loved ones can help pull us through. The series constantly explores feelings of loss and resilience.
The Dangers of Power
A hidden message from Harry Potter is about the dangers of having too much power and how it can become corruptive. Rowling has helped to show that there are many warnings against the pursuit of dominance. This is reflected not only through Voldemort with too much power causing his death, but also through the Malfoy family and their ambitions.
The Significance of Names
Many characters have names with unique meanings that align with who they are as characters. Rowling uses names as a key to a character’s personality and destiny. For example, in regards to Dumbledore, Wizarding World writes, “‘Albus’ appropriately means ‘white,’ just like the Professor’s famous beard.”
Magical Creatures and Their Symbolism
Magical creatures have many roles in the Harry Potter books, and many have symbolic meanings. Rowling uses creatures as representations of themes and ideas. Examples of this are in the form of Hedwig and Dobby representing sacrifice or the Thestrals (flying horses) representing death.
The Wizarding World’s Social Commentary
The wizarding world has reflections on real-world social issues. The series as a whole can be seen as a critique of society, especially economic and racial issues that are very apparent in the real world. These hidden messages have helped to teach children issues about the real world without being too heavy.
Secrets and Mysteries in the Plot
There has always been an element of foreshadowing when it comes to key plot points in the books. Rowling planted many hidden clues, and these all played a significant part in the final three books. This means that the readers have been able to solve mysteries at the same time Harry has, leading to a sense of fulfillment alongside the character.
The Influence of Family and Heritage
CBR writes, “One of the most important aspects of this world is the wizard family tree, which includes dozens of important families and hundreds of iconic characters.” Rowling highlighted the significance of familial bonds in the books and how parents and ancestry can have an impact on a character.
The Celebration of Diversity and Inclusivity
Rowling celebrates diversity and inclusivity throughout the series of the books. A hidden message that comes from Harry Potter is that everyone, regardless of how diverse they may be, can help fight evil. This encourages a person to be entirely themselves and shows that those who matter most will be accepting of it.
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