When it comes to business, it’s never too early to get the kids involved. Speaking of which, you may be asked to participate in Career Day at your child’s elementary school. Making presentations at your job may be something you’re used to, but translating that for children may seem challenging. So here are some tips to help you prepare for that special day.
Keep the Presentation Simple
Does your job involve complicated algorithms? Are there several processes that go into creating a product you’re responsible for? Regardless of how complex your job is, remember you have to explain this to little children. So consider how your job would look and sound like through a child’s eyes. Simplify your language as much as possible so that kids can understand the basics of what you do.
Stay Positive
Do you have a stressful job in which you see a lot of tough things? You find it uncomfortable to explain everything that you see or do to a child. The best thing you could do is find a way to look at the positive aspects of your career so that you don’t scare the little kids. Did you know that police responded to over 38 million alarms annually? There are a lot of break-ins at residences and commercial properties they have to deal with. You could translate this to a child by saying that your job involves keeping people safe and ensuring their properties are free from harm.
Show Visuals
When explaining your career to elementary school children, the best way to help keep their attention is by including the right visuals. At that age, children are highly attracted to pretty pictures and bright colors. Let’s say you’re an orthodontist. As you explain that 25% to 50% of kids may need your orthodontic services, you can include pictures that include various types of braces that you often put on children. You don’t have to take photos or videos of yourself at work. You can always use stock photos or YouTube videos related to your field
Relate Your Field to Their Life
When you make a presentation at work, you’re speaking to a specific audience. Whether dealing with fellow employees or trying to bring on a new client, you must tailor your presentation to them. Well, elementary kids are no different. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, as many as 1.5 million people work in metal fabrication. Explain that statistic by talking about all the fun toys made with metal. You could even refer to comic book characters that deal with metal, such as Iron Man or Magneto from X-Men.
Involve the Kids
Remember, kids have very short attention spans. So, just giving them a straightforward lecture may not be the best way to approach career day. Get them involved in your business by asking them questions and having them participate in a presentation. You can make things even more fun by including a game or having them make up a song related to what you do.
Bring Goodies
What kids don’t like gifts? Make sure you don’t show up empty-handed to elementary career day. As you prep, see what related items you can get from your job, like pins, hats, T-shirts, cups, and notepads. If you tell your job you’re making a presentation for a career day, in most cases, they’ll be very cooperative and can help out with such items.
You don’t have to stress out before making a presentation for your kid’s elementary school career day. Do your best to have as much fun as possible. After all, your child will likely be excited to have their parent show up for the event. Plus, you may inspire other children to follow in your footsteps and learn more about your career field.