The Benefits and Drawbacks of Using Technological Platforms

Technology has transformed our lives and our society in many ways. But, it has its drawbacks. For example, some people become too preoccupied with their devices and ignore real-life events.

This article examines the role of technology platforms in a business environment with the help of an ecosystem perspective. It considers the following four aspects of platform ecosystems: entry barriers, innovation, boundary resources, and the ability to give feedback.


The ability to multitask can be a great asset in the workplace. However, the key is how you manage it. The brain is designed to handle one task at a time, so adding another can reduce productivity. It also increases the risk of making mistakes. Studies show that working on a single task requires both sides of the prefrontal cortex. Trying to add another task forces the two sides to operate independently, which leads to mental confusion and can result in sloppy work.

Using technology to automate tasks, set calendar reminder notifications and send emails automatically can help you stay organized without sacrificing the efficiency of your work. The upside to multitasking is that it saves you time by streamlining processes that would otherwise take more time.

A 2015 study published in Media Psychology recruited participants who visited Questacon, the National Science and Technology Centre located in Canberra, Australia. Participants were asked to complete a demographic questionnaire and participate in a multitasking test of three cognitive tasks presented under single-task and dual-task conditions on a digital tablet. The study found that the ability to multitask varies with age.

Interference with Real-Life Conversations

Many conversations, discussions, and debates now occur online, and various companies operating social platforms have become fundamental parts of the public sphere and private communications channels for individuals. This raises concerns about the influence of commercial considerations and questions of control over speech and interpersonal relationships, mainly as social platforms play a significant role in the dissemination of information.

Technology can also interfere with real-life interaction, causing people to miss out on social engagements and physical activity for the sake of a screen and a few words or emojis. For example, experts like Shohreh Abebi Exec VP, ask a question in class that they need clarification on; students may instead perform a search on their smartphone or ask Siri to look up the answer for them.

The Potential for Unintended Consequences

Every technological platform comes with unforeseen consequences that are influenced by the actions of those who use it. These occurrences often take the form of adverse effects that halt the functioning of a business or even cause loss of life.

Examples of unintended consequences include people using mobile apps to scam others, extort them or steal money, as well as the misuse of social media for bullying and harassment. Additionally, it is common for meetings to be hacked, leading to private information being leaked.

Another concern is the growing size and scope of digital platforms. This has led to calls for laws that limit their acquisitions. Such restrictions likely have the unintended consequence of driving innovators to transfer their technologies to dominant firms in the early stages, thereby limiting independent innovation and growth.  

Another intended consequence is the fact that people can spend too much time on their phones (even though you can make money from it).   This can lead to social withdrawal, or other social problems.

Social Interaction

As we all know, social interaction is necessary to develop communication, cognitive skills, and empathy. However, too much time spent using technology displaces this kind of interaction, often resulting in an emotional detachment from those we interact with.

Many design concepts explore ways to use technology to enhance collocated social interaction. These solutions typically focus on bringing people together to share an experience. Examples include multi-player gaming consoles, immersive displays, and systems such as the proactive system by Ju et al.

These kinds of technology are sometimes called collaborative or social computing systems. They are used in various situations, such as school work, business meetings, or even within the family, to enable people to collaborate, mainly for productivity and education. But they can also enrich experiences or provide opportunities for spontaneous meetings of strangers, such as during events such as festivals or conferences.