Sustainable development comprises social involvement, environmental stewardship, and economic growth. Many nations are acknowledging the need for the conservation of natural resources. Industries are adopting energy-efficient operations, switching to agricultural practices that are friendly to the natural ecosystem.
The central role of sustainable development is to bring about actions that do not cause further destruction of the natural environment by using environmentally friendly natural resources. Various bodies and organizations are continuously campaigning for sustainable development goals. These goals are:
Poverty eradication
The organizations concentrate on underdeveloped countries with a large population of low-income earners. The aim is to eradicate poverty by enlarging social and labor programs such as disability pensions, skill training, unemployment insurance, cash transfer, and feeding programs.
Provision of quality education
The rate of school dropouts in developing countries is high. The steps of development goals work together with the international communities to ensure that beneficiaries access a quality primary education. The result is inclusivity in education and equitable lifelong opportunities.
Access to clean and affordable energy
The availability of clean energy sources plays a significant role in advancement in various sectors of the economy, such as health, industrialization, education, and environmental conservation. The goal is geared towards developing and expanding renewable energy sources such as biogas, geothermal, solar, and wind. These sources do not emit harmful gases to the atmosphere, hence being favorable to the environment and human life.
Good health promotion
It is a goal that aims at ensuring that people enjoy good health and well-being throughout their lives. It considers all health concerns such as child health, maternal care, disease and illnesses, vaccination, and reproductive health. It advocates for increased research in the health sector, health financing, and risk prevention.
Access to proper sanitation and clean water
Clean water is critical for the sustenance of human life. Many underdeveloped countries suffer waterborne infections and lack clean water for drinking and cooking. Good sanitation is also a significant challenge in developing countries. The goal is to boost hygiene and sanitation and ensure that people have access to clean, safe water for drinking.
Gender equality
Women empowerment and gender equality are among long-term development goals. There are continued campaigns for girl’s child education and awareness creation on reproductive health and human rights.
Benefits of sustainable development goals
The vision of sustainable development goals is to achieve good lifestyles for humanity. The relevance of the continued efforts by various organizations include the following;
Economic stability
Developing countries can boost their financial capabilities by adopting renewable energy sources that are cheaper and environmentally friendly. By generating clean energy technologies, the governments and the private sector can create massive employment opportunities for their citizens.
Increased food production
Sustainable development is geared towards better food production methods that guarantee high yields. With decreasing fossil fuel resources, agriculture is taking the lead as a significant source of income in developing countries. Proper agricultural practices such as crop rotation ensure plenty of production to cater to subsistence and commercial needs.
Conservation of the natural environment
Continued use of fossils and increased consumption negatively affect biodiversity. Plants and animals rely on others to survive, and any measures that affect the life of plants and animals, such as the emission of dangerous gases into the atmosphere, are not desirable. Development goals push for the conservation of natural resources to sustain plant and animal life in the long run.
With the rising population in developing countries, there is a need for additional resources such as shelter, food, and water. Proper conservation of the natural resources will ensure a rich supply of basic needs for generations without getting depleted. Provision of these basic needs of life requires individual and state efforts to utilize renewable resources.