9 Creative Ways to Contribute to a Political Campaign

political campaign, contributing to a campaign

When most people think of giving to a political campaign, they think about simply donating their money or their time. If both of those options bore you, here are 9 other ways to help your candidate succeed. All of the ideas listed below still count towards your total contribution to a candidate. The reason you … Read more

Tax Freedom Day

tax freedom day how much do we pay in taxes how to celebrate should i live abroad to avoid paying taxes tax rates

As we enter a new year, I’d like to talk about taxes. And the fact that you’re working for free right now. Tax Freedom Day is the day that the average American has earned enough money to pay in full his or her total yearly tax bill. It’s essentially the day where the money you earn … Read more

How The 1999 Repeal of Glass-Steagall May Lead To Our Demise

1999 Repeal of Glass-Steagall

Is it possible that the 1999 repeal of Glass-Steagall may lead to our demise? Do you ever get a sense that the economy is spinning out of control? A lot of us do, and if you do too, you’re probably interested to know why it’s happening. It’s hard to pinpoint a single reason – in … Read more

Wait A Minitel, Did The French Invent The Internet?

The French Invent The Internet

France is known for many things; fine wine, the Eiffel Tower, the Tour de France, the Louvre, Victor Hugo, just to name a few.  There is one bit of French history you may know little about, that being the impact brought on by a product called the Minitel.  Yep, the Minitel was a wonky, awkward … Read more