Who wants to move during the winter? No one! But just because you don’t want to move, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t move. Reason being, in Lincoln Nebraska, for instance, the average home sells for about $10,000 less during winter months. With five figure savings, how can a person not brave a little cold?
The following article gives suggestions for how you can make moving during winter more doable. Without further ado, let’s get started:
Move on a Warm Day
Forecast out ahead to get the optimum move-in day. This can be either the weekend (so you can get more people to help) or a weekday. The reason a weekday works is because moving is a big day. If you’re ever going to take off work for a non-necessary event, this would be a good one. Also, moving on a weekday means the roads will be less crowded mid-day. This is optimal if you’ll be pulling around an unfamiliar trailer or driving a large moving truck. Moving on a weekday also means there won’t be as many pesky neighbors home who are looking at you and judging you. Keeping the neighbors away is also good since it may could slow down your moving process answering questions like, “So where did you come from? What did you do? Do you like the neighborhood?”
Eat a Large Breakfast
Moving makes you hungry. The cold makes you hungry. Make sure to prepare for the day by eating a massive breakfast. Consider calorie-laden foods like eggs and bacon. You’ll need the sustained energy which these foods provide. Encourage those helping you to eat a large breakfast as well. Consider taking everyone out to eat before the move.
Pack Everything up and Leave the Boxes by the Entry Ways
The worst part about moving in the winter is probably having to march boxes out to the vehicle. You’re constantly going from a nice warm house to the frigid cold. To keep from dealing with the temperature change (and mood swings) pack everything up and leave it in the foyer. Turn the heat down in your house as well. This will make it much more tolerable having to go from the inside to the outside. Small things like this make a big difference.
Plan an Easy Route
This is especially important if the weather is bad or if you’ll be driving a big truck. Planning an easy route helps you avoid steep hills, tight corners, or treacherous intersections. Scope out the path on Google Maps beforehand. Does it look safe? Know that there’s a truck route option which you can select will take you around most difficult bits of road.
Make sure everyone knows what route you will be taking. This is important if anyone gets lost – also, if anything gets lost. If anything falls off your vehicle or trailer, you’ll be able to spot it on the way back. It’s also easiest to keep following the same path if you need to take multiple trips. A journey gets easier the more you take it. Think about your morning commute. After a few times, it becomes second nature.
I’m a personal finance freelance writer and webmaster. I welcome you to visit me at www.thefrugalpreneur.com