Is 2019 the year that you finally start that side hustle you’ve been dreaming of having? Maybe you’re having a tad bit of trouble figuring out what it should be? Fear not, there are plenty of online side hustle ideas out there!
Manage Social Media
Do you find yourself spending a lot of time on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram? Can you create an amazing Facebook ad or respond to messages with the most hilarious, viral-worthy banter? Then managing social media might be the perfect side hustle for you.
I am personally am not a social media manager, but according to the Social Media Strategies Summit Blog, you can make over $120 an hour as an experienced social media manager. So start racking up that experience today!
Create an Online Course
You would be amazed at what people teach online, and more specifically, at what people pay to learn! People create and make money from teaching a whole host of courses online (some of which are surprising to be online), you can find courses on Antiquities Trafficking and Art Crime, Furniture Making and The Science of Happiness.
If you’re interested in creating an online course, check out the resources on Teachable (my personal favorite platform for creators), Udemy, Kajabi, and Thinkific — there are a lot of platforms out there, these are just ones that I’ve heard good feedback on.
If you love something, you can teach it!
Start a Blog
Blogs can absolutely be a money-making side hustle for you to start. But I do want to point out that they are more of a long-term money making game. However, if you love blogging, you provide consistent content and build up a following then your chances of turning your blog into a business are much higher!
Bloggers make money a number of ways which include through advertising, affiliate linking and product sales. Some bloggers make $100,000 a month, granted it’s taken hard work and time, but it is possible!
Become a Freelance Writer
I mentioned how blogs are a long-term game, but perhaps while you wait for your blog following to grow and your engagement to skyrocket you can bring in some extra cash writing for clients. I can attest to the fact that freelance writing is a legitimate way to bring in some extra side cash or even a full-time income (though even I don’t rely 100% on writing to pay the bills).
That said, the amount you can bring in as a freelance writer depends on a number of factors. I recommend finding out your “bottom line” price for an article and sticking to it. Otherwise, you might end up spending five hours researching and writing an article for a mere $40 which hardly seems like a good way to spend your time (speaking from personal experience here).
Write an eBook
If you can write a blog, you can write an eBook. Heck, some bloggers take their most popular blog posts and topics and write eBooks with them!
There are no “rules” to writing eBooks, except that if you write one do it well, or no one will buy your second one. Much like creating an online course, you can sell an eBook on anything. If you’re passionate, knowledgable and willing to write a book about something, go for it!
Many bloggers write eBooks to go alongside their blog and either give them away for free to build their email list or sell them!
Teach English Online
Companies like Vipkid and DaDa are always looking for new recruits to teach English. A few caveats, most companies are looking for native English speakers or those that have a mastery of the English language, and some require you to have a bachelors degree or higher to teach (not all though).
Teaching English online can be a great side hustle opportunity if you want a flexible schedule, to travel or just a bit of extra cash!
Design Logos
Graphic design takes skill. This is a skill that I just barely have, so if you want to take it full-time you’ll need to be a bit more pro than me. That said, if you have an eye for color, shapes, white space and layout, then graphic design can be self-taught.
If you’re just starting out you might want to take a peek at Cavana, which is free software that a lot of business owners use to create graphic elements for their content. And if you’re pretty serious about graphic design, you’ll want to check out Adobe Illustrator, which is the top-of-the-line for graphic design.
Build Websites
If you know your way around WordPress, can design a mean blog or business webpage and love working on projects for other people then building websites might be in your side hustle future. I’ve never personally designed websites for anyone else, but I’d imagine pay-wise it’s like anything else: the more experience you have, the more money you make!
Sell Physical Products on Etsy
If you’re a crafty individual who spends your Saturday’s slinging homemade candles and your Sunday’s hand-crafting greeting cards, then perhaps an online store to sell your physical handmade projects is in order for you. There are a lot of places for you to sell your customizable products online, but Etsy is probably the most popular.
Alternatively, if you’re an artist, you can sell your artwork on physical products using a print on demand service. An artist friend of mine uses Society6 to sell physical products based on her artwork. She takes a photo of her painting using a DSLR camera, uploads it to the website, lays out the design and posts the product to her store!
Become a Virtual Assistant
If you are looking for a little variety in your work and would like to work up-close-and-personal with business owners, then being a virtual assistant might be the goal for you.
Start a Podcast
Much like blogging, podcasting is a long-term game. I would take a guess that most podcasters do not set out to make money podcasting, they do it because they have a particular idea or topic that they want to share. That said, you can make money podcasting.
The business side of podcasting is still somewhat in its infancy stages (though some would disagree with me), but that makes it the prime time to get in. You can start up a podcast for relatively cheap and grow your audience for free using social media.
Finding Your Own Side Hustle
One of the amazing things about the online gig economy revolution is that we have the ability to make money at whatever we’re passionate about. And I do mean whatever; you’d be surprised at the kind of things people make money doing! There are no real rules for your side hustle. You need passion, dedication, consistency and an audience and you can make almost anything happen!
Do you have an awesome side hustle? Share it with me in the comments below?
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Tae started out as a journalist before following the money into the corporate world. But it turns out that the grass isn’t always greener and now you can find her spending most of her time writing about all the things she loves. Namely, money, travel and business with a hefty dose of self-deprecating humor. She is a podcast fanatic, blogging aficionado and loves to find new ways to turn passions into cold hard cash!