19 Things You Should Never Feel Obliged to Do for Family

Negative or manipulative relationships with family members can be tricky to handle and sometimes hard to spot because of your close relationship. While you may be happy to commit time and love to your relationship, it’s also important to know when relatives’ requests are becoming too much. Here are 19 things you should never feel obligated to do for family.

Sacrificing Your Dreams

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Pursuing your own passions is an important factor in your identity and happiness. While you can balance this with family life, you should never have to sacrifice your own goals in order to meet your relatives’ expectations, which could leave you feeling unfulfilled.

Loaning Money You Can’t Afford to Lose

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It might seem like you’re letting them down, but it’s essential to form financial boundaries within family relationships in order to not risk your own financial security. Investopedia reported on a survey that found “42% of respondents surveyed said they had lost money through loans made to friends or family members.”

Neglecting Your Partner or Children for Family Demands

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Your immediate family shouldn’t suffer as a result of your parents’ or siblings’ demands, and it’s important to not feel bad if you prioritize your partner or children. Try to find a balance where possible, and always try to communicate with your extended family in order to set expectations and boundaries.

Compromising Your Values

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Staying true to your own personal values might cause tensions with your family, but it will ensure you keep your sense of self. Compromising on your values can lead to resentment or regret, so make sure you set boundaries with your family to enable you to stand firm.

Ignoring Your Health for Family Commitments

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Overbearing families can be demanding of your time and energy, but it’s essential that you put your own health and well-being first. Neglecting your health could lead to burnout or long-term health consequences, so be sure to set limits and make time for self-care.

Enduring Toxic Behavior

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Manipulation, guilt-tripping, or constant criticism are all signs of a toxic relationship, and it’s important to protect yourself for your own physical and mental well-being. Business Insider says, “Setting clear boundaries with consequences can help you maintain a sense of safety and control in your relationships, not to mention protect your well-being.”

Always Being the Peacekeeper

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Constantly playing the mediator in family conflicts can take its toll on you emotionally. Instead of taking on this role again and again, try to encourage your family members to resolve their own disputes; this might even help them create healthier relationships with one another.

Changing Your Appearance to Please Others

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Using your appearance as a form of self-expression is an important part of feeling connected to yourself and your values. Changing this to please your family can cause issues such as low self-esteem or a lack of identity. By staying strong and resisting these pressures, you’ll set healthy boundaries with your family.

Giving Up Your Privacy

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Personal space and privacy are key to mutually respectful and healthy relationships, even within a close-knit family. If you don’t get the privacy you want, you can become stressed, and your relationships can become strained. Therefore, it’s important to firmly communicate your boundaries and stick to them.

Accepting Disrespect or Abuse

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Whether it’s physical abuse, disrespectful language, or manipulation, abuse or disrespect is never okay. If you feel that your family members have a toxic relationship with you, it is important to clearly communicate, remain firm on your boundaries, and always know when it’s time to walk away or seek professional help.

Living Up to Unrealistic Expectations

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According to the Harvard Business Review, “A part of becoming a healthy, independent adult is letting go of your need for approval and forming your convictions and decision-making capabilities.” Try to work on this by looking for ways to bridge the gap between family expectations and personal reality, fostering mutual understanding and respect.

Overlooking Your Partner’s or Children’s Needs

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Your partner and children need to feel valued and heard in order to prevent feelings of neglect or resentment, and an unbalanced family dynamic might cause issues. To balance this, try to communicate as much as possible and stand firm with your extended family to ensure they don’t overshadow the needs of your immediate family.

Sacrificing Career Opportunities

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Passing up on career opportunities might lead to regrets about a lack of personal fulfillment. Try to communicate with your family about your career aspirations in order to get their support. If that doesn’t work, it might be helpful for you to speak to your friends or other relatives in order to find a support system to encourage your personal growth.

Staying in a Toxic Environment for Family’s Sake

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A healthy and positive environment is key to happiness and personal well-being. If you find yourself in a home that is having a negative impact on your mental or physical health, it’s important to set boundaries, seek support, and, when necessary, take yourself away from the toxic environment.

Hiding Your True Self

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Being your authentic self is essential for your well-being, and concealing your identity or feelings can lead to negative psychological effects. If your family is having a hard time accepting who you are, try to communicate as openly as possible with them in order to foster an environment of understanding and acceptance.

Letting Family Intrude on Your Personal Life

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It’s important to have your own personal life, and if your family members are constantly crossing this boundary, it can feel like it affects your autonomy or sense of privacy. Try to politely and firmly put these boundaries back in place, and remind family members not to overstep into your personal matters.

Taking on All Family Responsibilities

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Taking on an excessive share of family responsibilities can lead to burnout and resentment. Psych Central says, “People with toxic behaviors may be overly needy. You can help them if it’s feasible and appreciated. But you’re not obligated to be their chauffeur, maid, gardener, or therapist—particularly if they treat you poorly the entire time.”

Abandoning Your Passions

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Having your own personal interests and hobbies is an essential part of your identity, and without them, you can lose your sense of self. While you may have family obligations you are committed to, try to balance these with making time for your passions.

Neglecting Personal Growth for Family’s Comfort

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Continuous personal development gives you a sense of achievement and allows you to reach your goals. If your family is asking you to step away from your learning or growth, try to communicate with them about the importance of this and encourage them to support you on your journey.

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