Baby Boomers Got These 19 Things Right and We Should All Take Note

There are many things that we can learn from boomers and apply to our daily lives. This may make our lives easier or even make us more respectable people. Here are 19 things boomers got right and we should all take note of.

Embracing Outdoor Activities

Photo Credit: – Yuri A/Shutterstock.

Boomers understand how important it is to spend plenty of time outdoors, and so does science. This is supported by UC Davis Health, which writes, “Studies have also shown that being in nature has a positive effect on our bodies by reducing cortisol levels, muscle tension, and demands on our cardiovascular systems.”

Valuing Face-to-Face Communication

Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock.

There’s a superiority to face-to-face communication over digital interaction. It helps to create genuine connections and shows a greater level of understanding. Face-to-face communication is important in both professional and personal circumstances, as it helps to create strong relationships and makes communication much easier to understand.

Financial Responsibility and Building Credit

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.

Since the age of a young adult, boomers have been able to establish good credit. They’ve done this by putting a huge financial responsibility on themselves and creating positive saving habits. This financial responsibility has created a huge range of opportunities for boomers and levels of stability.

Advocating for Work-Life Balance

Photo Credit: – Yuri A/Shutterstock.

Boomers were the first generation to put actions in place so that they could have a good work-life balance. Boomers knew how important it was to put boundaries in place to ensure they looked after their mental health, and this has paved the way for other generations.

Healthy Eating

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Eating healthy has played a huge role in the lifestyle of boomers. They like to focus on eating whole foods and cooking homemade meals. This is supported by KindaFrugal, which writes, “Long before trendy diets, boomers understood the importance of balanced, healthy eating. The focus on whole foods and home cooking is something that millennials have come to appreciate as well.”

The Importance of Patience

Photo Credit: Olena Yakobchuk/Shutterstock.

It’s important to be patient because it usually reaps much higher rewards than instant gratification. Patience is important because it helps with personal development and decision-making. Having this trait is even more relevant in an age of instant gratification.

Keeping the Art of Letter Writing Alive

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Handwriting letters adds a personal touch and thoughtfulness to communication. A handwritten letter is something a person can cherish for years. It preserves personal history and memories, which is completely different from the digital age and how we communicate in the modern day.

Self-reliance and Problem-solving

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These great skills mean that a person develops independence and resourcefulness. With the world constantly changing at such a rapid pace, it’s more important than ever to be self-sufficient. Boomers have been able to leave a lasting legacy for younger generations, helping them to take the lead in relying on themselves.

Respect for the Environment

Photo Credit: David Pereiras/Shutterstock.

According to BestLife, boomers were “the first generation to come out in full force, demanding we stop polluting the world.” They took part in early activism and advocated for environmental protection. Boomers were the original “Earth Day” generation, and they also know the importance of keeping this going.

Dressing Appropriately for Different Occasions

Photo Credit: Jacob Lund/Shutterstock.

Boomers understood the importance of creating great first impressions, and this usually came from dressing appropriately. They could easily balance when casual wear was acceptable or when they would need to dress up. You would never find boomers heading out in their pajamas.

Treating Others with Kindness

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There’s a universal principle that people should be treated with kindness and respect, and boomers will always try their best to follow through with this. They will apply this across all personal and professional relationships. It creates a foundation for a more harmonious society and is something all generations should keep in mind.

Embracing Hands-on Skills

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One thing boomers are known for is being a hands-on generation with great craftsmanship skills and a knack for problem-solving. Anything they can do around the house, such as any small DIY ventures, they will. Having this skill helps them save money and keeps them learning.

Understanding Life Isn’t Always Fair

Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock.

Marketing entrepreneur Sandeep Dave via LinkedIn writes, “The unfairness of life in this world is a harsh and unpleasant fact that we find difficult to accept, rationalize, or question.” Boomers understand this, so instead they’ve built up resilience and grit. They’ll make sure they’re prepared for any challenges and stay one step ahead.

Demonstrating Manners and Etiquette

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Politeness can be used as a form of interaction, and it’s something commonly done by boomers. They understand the legacy of courtesy in a world that’s becoming increasingly casual, and it’s something younger generations can learn from. Being polite will have a huge positive impact on both personal and professional relationships.

Celebrating Quality over Quantity

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.

Boomers have an appreciation for craftsmanship and durability, which means they would rather spend extra and invest in quality products or services. They have never been interested in things such as fast fashion because they know the clothing won’t last. They will always pick sustainable and high-quality products.

Caution with Technology

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It’s common for boomers to be cautious about technology. They have a sense of skepticism toward smart devices and refrain from using them unless they absolutely have to. Boomers are also incredibly aware of the risks that come with using digital technology, such as scams and hackers.

The Importance of Education

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.

Education doesn’t just mean school for boomers. Instead, it’s seen as a lifelong journey. They realize that education has a huge impact on personal growth and can create many professional possibilities. Boomers know it’s important to always challenge the mind and ensure they stay curious.

Loyalty and Commitment

Photo Credit: oneinchpunch/Shutterstock.

The older generation knows the importance of having long-term relationships, whether they’re personal or professional. They like to be able to create genuine connections with people and really interact with them. This is different from the modern day, where relationships constantly seem to be changing.

Appreciation for the Arts and Culture

Photo Credit: – Yuri A/Shutterstock.

There have been many different art movements during the life of a boomer. For example, Artlyst writes, “Several major art movements and styles have resonated particularly with this generation, including pop art and abstract expressionism.” This has helped them understand the importance of art, literature, and music in life and is something they’d like other generations to understand.

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