18 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Leave Your Dog Alone All Day

Dogs are often our best friends and a valuable member of the family. They show affection to humans, greeting you with a wagging tail when you walk in. Here are 18 reasons why you shouldn’t leave your dog alone all day.

Socialization Needs

Photo Credit: Lindsay Helms/Shutterstock.

The American Kennel Club reports that “for a dog to spend all of their day alone is too much. Dogs are very social animals.” Dogs require social interaction to meet their needs, and a lack of this can lead to behavioral issues. Too much separation can even cause anxiety and depression in dogs.  

Exercise Requirements

Photo Credit: GoDog Photo/Shutterstock.

Dogs require regular exercise to help them stay healthy and stimulate their brains. A lack of exercise can be detrimental to your dog. They can suffer from health-related issues, such as obesity. Dogs can become destructive if they don’t get regular walks, so it is important they exercise for their physical and mental health.

Mental Stimulation

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Dogs require mental stimulation, so they don’t suffer from boredom. One of the best ways to receive mental stimulation is through their owners. By stimulating your dog through playing with them or just showing love, you have a positive impact on their mental well-being, and it keeps them engaged.

Potential Health Risks

Photo Credit: Gon Kern/Shutterstock.

Leaving your dog for long periods of time does come with health risks. When alone in the house all day, at some point they’ll try to entertain themselves to stop the onset of boredom. They’ll find any way possible to do this, and being unattended leads to an increased risk of accidents or even illnesses going unnoticed.

Risk of Separation Anxiety

Photo Credit: GoodFocused/Shutterstock.

Dogs are such loving animals and truly care for their owners. When their owners are out all day, it’s common for dogs to suffer from separation anxiety. After all, they don’t know when you’ll be back or, in their eyes, if you’re ever coming back. This is unhealthy for your dog, as they can become distressed.

Behavioral Problems

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The National Library of Medicine reports, “Dogs can develop separation-related behaviors (SRBs), such as barking/howling, pacing, toileting, or destroying household items, when they are left without human company.” So if you have a dog that is ill-behaved, it could be that they’re left alone for too long.

Potential Damage to Property

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When unsupervised or left on their own for lengthy periods of time, dogs will look for other ways to stimulate their brain. The options they choose aren’t always the best and can lead to them damaging your property. From chewing furniture to scratching at couches, it’s best to give them a safe toy if you’re leaving them unaccompanied.

Risk of Accidents

Photo Credit: Tracy Fisher/Shutterstock.

If you do have to leave your dog alone for any period of time, it’s always best to dog-proof the house first. This reduces the likelihood of any accidents while you’re out. Dogs can ingest toxic substances, get trapped between furniture, or knock things over that might fall on them. 

Lack of Bathroom Breaks

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Dogs are just like humans in that they need regular bathroom breaks as well. If you leave your dog alone all day, you increase the chances of coming back to a mess you don’t want to clean up. Also, the longer a dog goes without bathroom breaks, the higher the chance of them developing urinary tract infections.

Impact on Bonding

Photo Credit: Sjale/Shutterstock.

Spending time with your dog builds up a bond, and long periods away can weaken the bond and your dog’s trust levels. A strong bond is very important for a dog, as it contributes to their overall well-being. A strong bond also makes a dog more obedient to commands.

Disruption of Routine

Photo Credit: SakSa/Shutterstock.

Dogs crave a set routine. They’re intelligent animals, and you’ll notice they often know when it’s their time to be fed or taken on a walk. They thrive on a stable routine, and leaving a dog alone for extended periods of time can disrupt them.

Decreased Lifespan

Photo Credit: Artush/Shutterstock.

Being social creatures, dogs love companionship, which is very important to them. According to Science Direct, dogs with fear and anxiety disorders can have a decreased lifespan. This highlights the importance of social interaction and mental stimulation to improve their overall health and well-being.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

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Leaving a dog on their own for too long can cross the line for legal and ethical reasons. In some areas across the world, there are certain laws regarding how long you can leave your dog alone. It’s even seen by many people as animal cruelty if you leave your dog unattended for extended periods.

Impact on Neighbors

Photo Credit: Ryan T Thomas/Shutterstock.

You may not just be upsetting your dog by leaving them on their own, but you could also be upsetting your neighbors. After extended periods on their own, a dog will crave some interaction, which will most likely result in barking, as it’s their way of communicating.

Potential for Escape

Photo Credit: NSC Photography/Shutterstock.

Leaving your dog on their own presents its own risks, but one of those risks is quite a major concern. After a while, dogs will seek attention and may physically go looking for it. As an owner, it’s your responsibility to ensure all exits of the house are secure so your dog can’t get out.

Influence on Sleep Patterns

Photo Credit: Iryna Kalamurza/Shutterstock.

If your dog is left alone, they’re not receiving the stimulation they require and will often resort to taking extended naps. These naps can be detrimental to their sleeping patterns, as they may get too much sleep during the day, meaning they still have energy to burn at night.

Risk of Aggression

Photo Credit: KANUT PHOTO/Shutterstock.

Dogs have been known to be very territorial and sometimes aggressive. This can be due to being left behind for extended periods of time. This loneliness allows them to believe certain areas in the house or the whole house are theirs, often leading to them being aggressive when someone enters as they believe they’re protecting their territory.

Impact on Training Progress

Photo Credit: Lyudmila Sh/Shutterstock.

The best way to train a dog is by building consistent habits. When a dog is left on their own all day, this has a negative impact on the training they’re learning. While you’re out, there’s nobody there to continue to teach the correct habits to your dog, and without that consistency, they may disobey training methods.

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