17 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Jesus

Jesus is one of America’s most famous historical and religious figures. However, there is a shocking amount about His life that remains a mystery to most people. If you’re ready to find out more about the son of God, we’ve got you covered. Here are 17 surprising things you may not have known about Jesus.

Jesus’s “Lost” Years

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The New Testament provides very little information on Jesus and His life between the ages of 12 and 30. This is why many people refer to this period of His life as the “lost” years and speculate on what may have occurred during this time. Some believe that He may have studied and worked during this period, while other apocryphal texts suggest that He may have visited other countries.

He Spoke Multiple Languages

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Jesus’s native tongue was Aramaic, which was a language spoken widely in Galilee and Judea. But did you know that He was likely also familiar with Hebrew, Greek, and possibly Latin? He almost certainly knew Hebrew, as this was the language of Jewish religious texts, while Greek was the lingua franca of the Eastern Mediterranean.

Jesus’s Occupation as a Carpenter

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Many people mistakenly believe that Jesus was definitely a carpenter. However, while Jesus is described as a carpenter in the Bible, the Greek word “tekton” more broadly implies that He was a craftsman, builder, or woodworker of some kind—not necessarily a carpenter.

His Family Had Other Children

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The Bible notes that Jesus had several brothers and sisters, including James, Joseph, Simon, and Jude. However, scholars have not reached a consensus on exactly how many siblings He had and who they could have been.

Jesus’s Use of Parables

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Jesus was known for using parables as one of His key teaching methods, which was considered a unique approach at the time. Parables are usually short, simple stories that are used to demonstrate spiritual and moral lessons.

The Political Context of Jesus’s Ministry

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Because Jesus was alive during a time of Roman occupation and when the Jews were anticipating a Messiah, His life and teachings intersected with many political and social issues of the time. For example, His crucifixion was a commonplace Roman punishment at the time, typically reserved for political dissenters and rebels.

Jesus Practiced Jewish Customs

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Jesus was known to observe many Jewish laws and customs, including celebrating Passover and keeping the Sabbath. While His interpretation of Jewish law differed from that of others, He was an active participant in Jewish religious life, and His teachings commonly referenced the Hebrew Scriptures.

Jesus’s Baptism Was a Turning Point

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The baptism of Christ is considered a key turning point in His life and Christian history, signifying His solidarity with the plight of humanity. It also marked the beginning of His relationship with John the Baptist, who played a key role in His life.

The Significance of Jesus’s Miracles

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Jesus frequently performed miracles such as raising people from the dead, exorcisms, and miraculous healings. However, not everyone knows the significance of these miracles. Jesus performed miracles to showcase His divine authority and mission, revealing His holy connection with God.

Jesus’s Approach to Social Outcasts

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In Jesus’s time, many members of society were discriminated against and marginalized, such as lepers, women, and poor people. However, Jesus showed unprecedented compassion and love towards these individuals, challenging religious regulations and social norms of the time.

Jesus’s Emphasis on Inner Transformation

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One of Jesus’s key teachings was the importance of inner transformation and how it can be used to transform the world as a whole. He taught His followers to love their enemies and forgive people who wronged them, highlighting the importance of both heart and mind in His teachings.

The Transfiguration as a Pivotal Event

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The transfiguration was a key event in Christian history when Jesus’s divine glory was revealed to James, John, and Peter. Matthew 17 states that Jesus led these three followers up a mountain and was then “transfigured before them,” as “His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light.” This event served as an important bridge between the human and the divine, strengthening His followers’ faith in His divine nature and power.

Jesus’s Predictions of His Own Death

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Jesus speaks several times about His forthcoming death and resurrection, which often confused His followers. However, every one of His spoken predictions aided His disciples’ understanding of His divine mission and showcased the voluntary nature of His sacrifice.

The Role of Women in His Ministry

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Unfortunately, when Jesus was born, women were largely considered inferior and unworthy of the same rights as men. Jesus’s relationships with and actions towards women were considered revolutionary by these standards, as He recognized their true worth and dignity regardless of their social status. Some of His closest friends, supporters, and followers were women.

Jesus and the Temple in Jerusalem

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Matthew 21 describes how Jesus cleansed the temple in Jerusalem of merchants and exploiters. He tells them they have made it into a “hangout for thieves,” driving them away before healing blind and disabled individuals who entered the temple. This act symbolizes His defiance against religious authority and the commercialization of worship.

The Question of Jesus’s Literacy

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There is an ongoing debate on the subject of Jesus’s literacy, with some scholars arguing that His background, poverty, and lack of education make it highly unlikely that He could have learned to read. However, others assert that His engagement with Scriptures and religious scholars make it plausible that He was literate.

Jesus’s Cry of Abandonment on the Cross

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In Psalm 22, Jesus cries out “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” signifying a moment of deep despair and anguish. Christian scholars consider this to be a crucial moment in which He fully expresses His human experience and the pain and heaviness that came with taking on humanity’s sin.

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Photo Credit: Sean Pavone/Shutterstock.

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Photo Credit: Dean Drobot/Shutterstock.

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Photo Credit: Wirestock Creators/Shutterstock.

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