19 Traits of Highly Jealous people

The green monster can creep into any social situation, and once it arrives, it can cause real trouble. If something feels off but you aren’t sure, check for these 19 subtle signs of jealousy.

They Frequently Check Your Phone or Social Media

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Jealous individuals often feel the urge to monitor your digital interactions closely. They might ask to see your phone or demand social media passwords, citing ‘trust’ as a reason. In these situations, you need to establish boundaries. Assert your right to privacy and explain how trust is foundational in any relationship.

They Downplay Your Achievements

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When you share exciting news, a jealous person might respond with indifference or quickly change the subject. To address this, acknowledge their behavior calmly and express how their support is important to you. Reassuring them that your success doesn’t overshadow their worth can also be beneficial.

They Are Overly Critical

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Criticism, especially when it’s constant and unwarranted, often masks jealousy. If someone frequently nitpicks your actions or choices, initiate a conversation about how their words impact you. Shifting towards more positive and constructive feedback can help lift the negativity.

They Make Negative Comments About Your Friends

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Jealousy can show up as derogatory remarks about those you’re close to. If someone belittles your friends, it’s important to express your discomfort and the value you place on those friendships. Encourage them to understand and respect your social circle.

They Are Clingy or Possessive

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Excessive clinginess or possessiveness often stems from a fear of loss, driven by jealousy. Address this behavior by affirming your commitment while stressing the need for independence and personal space in the relationship.

They Keep Bringing Up Your Past

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Frequently mentioning your past, especially negatively, is a tactic to undermine your confidence. It’s necessary to confront this behavior, discussing the impact it has on you and the relationship. Offering reassurance about your commitment can also help ease their insecurities.

They Constantly Compare Themselves to You

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Constant comparison is a common symptom of jealousy. When this occurs, it’s helpful to acknowledge their feelings but also to remember the importance of individuality and personal growth, steering the conversation away from direct comparisons.

They React Poorly to Your Success

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Not being able to share in your successes is a telltale sign of jealousy. Address this by discussing the importance of mutual support and happiness in each other’s achievements. Emphasize how your successes can be beneficial for both of you.

They Seek to Control Your Activities

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Attempting to control your movements or interactions is a significant red flag. Insisting on your independence and discussing the need for trust and respect in the relationship is essential in such situations.

They Always Assume the Worst

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A jealous person may jump to negative conclusions or accuse you without basis. This is more about them than you. Open and honest communication can help address these insecurities and foster a more trusting environment.

They Are Overly Sensitive to Criticism

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Reacting strongly to criticism can be a defense mechanism stemming from jealousy. Approach these situations with empathy, but it’s key to allow room for constructive feedback in both directions.

They Give Backhanded Compliments

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Backhanded compliments can be telltale signs of jealousy as well as leaving a bad taste behind. When you notice this, confront the behavior directly, making sure to ask for more straightforward and sincere communication.

They Are Quick to Get Angry or Upset

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Frequent, unreasonable anger can often mask deeper feelings of jealousy. It can be hurtful to be around. Discuss how this behavior affects you and the relationship, suggesting healthier ways to express and deal with emotions.

They Isolate You from Others

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Isolating you from friends or family is a serious control tactic indicative of deep jealousy. Reaffirm your need for a balanced social life and the importance of maintaining diverse relationships outside of your partnership.

They Mimic Your Behavior or Style

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Imitating your behavior or style can be a form of flattery, but it often stems from envy. Recognize their efforts but help them to find and embrace their own unique qualities.

They Fish for Compliments or Reassurance

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Constantly seeking validation may be a sign of underlying jealousy. While it’s important to provide reassurance, it’s equally crucial to encourage them to build up their self-esteem and find validation from within.

They Hold Grudges Over Minor Issues

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Holding onto minor issues is a manifestation of deeper jealousy. Discuss the importance of letting go of little things and focusing on the present. Head for a more forward-thinking approach in the relationship.

They Sabotage Your Plans

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Intentional sabotage is an extreme form of jealousy. This behavior should be addressed firmly, and it may be necessary to seek external assistance or counseling to resolve underlying issues.

They Have Difficulty Celebrating Your Successes

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Struggling to be genuinely happy for your achievements is a clear indication of jealousy. Openly discussing the importance of supporting each other’s successes can help in fostering a more positive dynamic.

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