18 Religions You Didn’t Know Existed 

There are so many religions in the world, not just the big ones such as Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. There are many you won’t have even heard of that still play such a significant role in people’s lives. Here are 18 religions you didn’t know existed.  Shabakism This faith originated with the Shabak people in … Read more

17 Lost Christian Values That Are Still Important Today

Christianity has existed for a long time, and there’s no doubt that some things have changed. This is unfortunate because some of those values come in very handy no matter what century we’re in. This article looks at 17 Christian values that remain important to all of us today. Faithfulness Faithfulness means staying true to … Read more

Do you need to tip a house painter?

When it is time to repaint, is it good etiquette to tip a house painter? Some people are more prone to tip, while others feel the base price should suffice for the work. Which is correct? A lot depends on the context of the work being done. Are you hiring on behalf of your boss? … Read more

4 Things Gaming Taught Me About Money

gaming taught me

One way I learned about personal finance and business is online gaming. I know it seems farfetched, but it’s been eye opening. Here are four things gaming taught me about money. Work For It The first lesson I learned about money is that you have to work for it. You may start with nothing, but … Read more

Why is spend-down philanthropy increasingly popular?

spend-down philanthropy

Why is spend-down philanthropy increasingly popular? Before we answer the question, let’s define our terms. There are two basic types of charitable organizations and philanthropic concerns. One type is an open-ended, perpetually funded (or perpetually in need of funding) organization. The other is a type of foundation or organization that has funding but must spend … Read more