17 Things Happy People Do Every Morning

Some people are happy by nature. What’s the secret to their permanent jolly spirit and constant good vibes? You’ll find 17 things that happy people do every morning to stay happy in this article. 


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Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. When we skip it, we’re bound to start the morning on the wrong foot. Happy people make sure they have time to make a good breakfast before leaving for work or stop at a café for breakfast before clocking in.


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“People who exercise regularly tend to do so because it gives them an enormous sense of well-being. They feel more energetic throughout the day, sleep better at night, have sharper memories, and feel more relaxed and positive about themselves and their lives,” says HelpGuide.org


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Staying hydrated is important for our bodies to function properly. It’s hard to be in a good mood when you’re thirsty. Happy people are in a good mood even in the mornings, as they take the time to hydrate themselves properly before they leave the house.


Couples talking to neighbour
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We all need to talk to others each day, as conversations are enjoyable. Happy people have meaningful conversations with others, even in the mornings, and this helps them to start their days the best way. Their conversations are more than mere chit-chat: they’re real talk.

Look Good

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To feel good on the inside, we must look good on the outside. People who are always happy feel this way because they’ve taken the time to put themselves together in the morning, and as a result, they feel good about themselves. They give themselves enough time to get ready in the morning. 


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According to Pfizer, “listening to (or making) music increases blood flow to brain regions that generate and control emotions… The chills you feel when you hear a particularly moving piece of music may be the result of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that triggers sensations of pleasure and well-being.” Happy people are always listening to music in the mornings.


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When things aren’t organized, we easily feel stressed, and stress doesn’t lead to happiness. This is why happy people are always organized. They know what they need to do and when, and they stick to their plans. They have a schedule, and this keeps them happy.


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Doing things for others makes us happy. That’s why happy people start their day trying to help others, even in small ways. Making sacrifices for others is as simple as giving up your seat for someone else on public transportation or holding the elevator for someone on the way to work.


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Happy people are generous people. These kinds of people show generosity even in the mornings. For example, they might bring something to work they can share with others. Their generosity pushes them to spontaneously help others, even when they don’t expect anything in return.


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Another thing that happy people do every morning is show gratitude for the little things that happen to them. “Living your life with gratitude helps you notice the little wins—like the bus showing up right on time, a stranger holding the door for you, or the sun shining through your window when you wake up in the morning,” says Mindful.


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When we are pressed for time, we feel stressed and unhappy. Happy people give themselves enough time to complete their jobs, so they’re not stressed about time. They organize themselves well enough to leave early so they can arrive on schedule without having to rush. 

Thank You

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Happy people never forget to say thank you to others. They say thank you to their family members when they do things for them in the mornings. They make sure they thank the people they come across on their morning commute to work. This makes them feel good. 


couple happy food
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When we feel loved by others, we get a warm and happy feeling on the inside. Happy people show love to others by expressing it openly. Because they’re used to expressing their love for others, people are not afraid to express their love back to them, and this gives them joy. 


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Smiling can boost our mood, and VeryWell Mind agrees, stating that “the physical act of smiling activates pathways in your brain that influence your emotional state—meaning that by adopting a happy facial expression, you can ‘trick’ your mind into entering a state of happiness.” Happy people make a habit of smiling in the morning. 


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We all need to hear compliments, as they make us feel good. But giving compliments and seeing how they affect others also makes us feel good. Happy people are always complimenting others in small ways in the morning, such as praising a family member for making a delicious breakfast. 


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We all need hugs and physical contact with others, as these make us feel good. Hugging others is a nice way of showing them that we care about them. Happy people hug their family members before leaving the house for work or school in the morning. 


Photo Credit: Martin Novak/Shutterstock.

When we expect too much from others, it’s easy to become disappointed when they don’t do everything we want them to. Happy people try to be reasonable in their expectations of others. As a result, they seldom feel let down by others and can have a more positive start to the day.

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