17 Unthinkable ‘70s Moments That Would Horrify Us Now

Political scandals, rushed design work, and the use of harmful substances throughout the 1970s and the decades before led to disastrous moments across the decade, changing policies, public opinion, and people’s lives forever. These 17 moments from American history in the 1970s would horrify society if they happened today.

The Asbestos Crisis in Public Buildings

Photo Credit: RPW de Jong/Shutterstock.

Once the dangers of asbestos became clear, there was widespread panic after the material was discovered in schools and public buildings across the country. Even buildings such as the U.S. Capitol and White House were found to contain harmful asbestos, leading to national calls for expensive removal.

The Ford Pinto Scandal

Photo Credit: Ken Morris/Shutterstock.

The Ford Pinto was rushed into production in 1971 to compete with imported models of the time. This rush meant that safety was overlooked, and the car was extremely vulnerable to fuel tank explosions in the event of a crash. According to How Stuff Works, “Twenty-seven people died in Pinto fires, and countless others suffered serious burns.”

The Love Canal Environmental Disaster

Photo Credit: JonShore/Shutterstock.

Love Canal, located in New York, was evacuated after toxic waste was found leaking into homes and schools and causing health issues for residents of the area. It was discovered that the area had been built on a toxic waste dump, unknown to residents.

The Watergate Scandal 

Photo Credit: Frontpage/Shutterstock.

This political scandal began when five burglars were arrested for breaking into the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate complex. It was later discovered that these people were linked to President Nixon, and facing likely impeachment, he became the first U.S. president to resign from office.

The Jonestown Massacre

Photo Credit: SevenMaps/Shutterstock.

According to the Guardian, “more than 900 people, many of them children, died in a mass murder-suicide in 1978 by drinking cyanide-laced punch at the order of cult leader Jim Jones.” They were ordered to murder a U.S. congressman and several journalists before drinking the punch and committing mass suicide.

The 1976 Swine Flu Vaccination

Photo Credit: KPG-Payless/Shutterstock.

After the outbreak of swine flu in Fort Dix, New Jersey, medical companies rushed to release a vaccine for the public. The vaccine, however, caused more harm than the flu, with numerous reports of Guillain-Barré syndrome, leading to a breakdown in trust in government-led health initiatives.

The Three Mile Island Nuclear Meltdown

Photo Credit: A. L. Spangler/Shutterstock.

In 1979, a cooling malfunction caused a partial meltdown at the Three Mile Island nuclear facility in Pennsylvania, causing widespread panic. The panic was worsened by delayed and confusing communication from officials, which led to a shift in public opinion regarding nuclear energy in the U.S.

The Disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa

Photo Credit: Fer Gregory/Shutterstock.

Labor union leader Jimmy Hoffa mysteriously disappeared in July 1975 and has been presumed dead ever since. There have been numerous theories and investigations, but according to the Independent, “his body has never been found, no one has ever been charged, and the case remains unsolved.”

The Attica Prison Riot

Photo Credit: MemoryMan/Shutterstock.

Prisoners at the Attica Correctional Facility in New York started a violent riot, demanding better living conditions and rights. Law enforcement failed to negotiate with the prisoners, and the riot ended in the deaths of 43 individuals. This event forever influenced the conversation around inmates’ rights and has made a lasting impact on prison reform.

The Skylab Space Station Falls to Earth

Photo Credit: Stanislaw Tokarski/Shutterstock.

NASA’s Skylab space station unexpectedly re-entered the earth’s atmosphere and caused global concern about impact damage. Despite efforts to crash the station into the ocean, it eventually landed in Australia; fortunately, the debris didn’t cause any injuries or severe damage.

The 1970s Gasoline Crisis

Photo Credit: Alexanderstock23/Shutterstock.

An OPEC oil embargo on America caused widespread panic and long lines at gas stations, and some states introduced ‘odd-even’ rationing based on license plate numbers. According to Smithsonian Magazine, “The oil crisis affected everything from home heating to business costs that were passed on to consumers in a range of industries. But the impact was most obvious on the roads.”

The Ban of DDT

Photo Credit: PongMoji/Shutterstock.

The U.S. government was forced to ban the pesticide DDT in 1972 after evidence emerged about its environmental and health hazards. Environmentalist Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring was pivotal in raising awareness about the effects of DDT on ecosystems and food chains.

The 1979 Iranian Hostage Crisis

Photo Credit: Andrew V Marcus/Shutterstock.

In 1979, the U.S. Embassy in Tehran was seized, and American citizens were taken hostage. Hostages were held for 444 days, marking a tense period in international diplomacy. This crisis severely impacted U.S.-Iran relations and influenced American politics and media at the time.

Agent Orange Usage in Vietnam

Photo Credit: Keith Tarrier/Shutterstock.

During the Vietnam War, the U.S. military extensively used Agent Orange in Vietnam, leading to massive ecological damage and long-term health issues for both Vietnamese people and American veterans. This was due to a lack of awareness and acknowledgment at the time of the herbicide’s severe effects.

The Overthrow of Allende in Chile

Photo Credit: Andy Sutherland/Shutterstock.

In 1973, the U.S. military backed a coup in Chile to overthrow the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende, leaving Augusto Pinochet to lead a brutal dictatorship. When American citizens found this out, there was widespread outrage, and according to NPR, “the coup in Chile led to human rights concerns and Congress taking on a larger role in U.S. foreign policy.”

The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment Revealed

Photo Credit: Arif biswas/Shutterstock.

In 1972, it was revealed to the public that the U.S. public health service had been conducting a syphilis study on unknowing African American men in Tuskegee, Alabama, for decades. This caused ethical outrage over the fact that participants were misled and denied proper treatment long after a cure for syphilis was available.

The Exposure of MK-Ultra

Photo Credit: Michael Nosek/Shutterstock.

The CIA’s MK-Ultra program involved experimenting on unwitting citizens to research mind control and chemical interrogation techniques. They also used LSD and other substances on people without their consent, which led to several documented cases of long-term psychological harm and even death.

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