18 Historical Events the Bible Got Right, According to Archaeology

Discoveries in archaeology have shed light on the historical accuracy of events depicted in the Bible. From the Exodus from Egypt to the existence of King David’s kingdom, archaeological findings have provided tangible evidence aligning with biblical narratives. This article provides some historical events that the Bible got right, according to archaeology. The Exodus from … Read more

18 Best US Cities Where Housing Is Actually Affordable

Not every city in the U.S. is unaffordable. These cities all have a lower median price than the national average of $387,600, growing job markets, and a rich cultural history. Here are 18 of the best cities with affordable housing. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania The City of Bridges is the second largest city in Pennsylvania after Philadelphia, … Read more

18 Things You Shouldn’t Put In Checked Baggage According to the TSA

We all know how strict airport security can be, and sometimes the exact guidelines to follow can be unclear—so let’s fix that! We’re going through 18 things that the TSA says you shouldn’t put in your checked luggage. E-Cigarettes and Vaping Devices The TSA prohibits both e-cigarettes and vaping devices in checked luggage due to … Read more

19 US Cities Most Likely to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

Picture this—the zombies are coming, and they may be slow, but they’re undead, which means it’s only a matter of time before they reach you! So, which U.S. residents would be most likely to survive based on the city they live in? This article considers which 19 American metropolises would hypothetically provide the best defenses, … Read more

17 Dogs That Are Smarter Than Your Average Pup

As silly as they may act at times, we all know that many dogs have an impressive level of intelligence. However, not all breeds are created equally when it comes to smarts and trainability. This article reveals 17 dogs that are smarter than your average pup. Border Collie Border Collies are known for their ability … Read more