20 Household Devices That Will Hike Your Electricity Bill

It’s important to have an idea of what devices can increase your electricity bill, especially since bills are constantly increasing. There are certain devices you should be mindful of when it comes to cost, such as heaters and old appliances. Here are 20 devices that will hike up your electricity bill.

Air Conditioning and Heating

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This can cause one of the biggest increases in electricity bills. For example, Direct Energy writes, “As your main source of comfort from extreme outdoor temperatures, your HVAC system uses the most energy of any single appliance or system at 46 percent of the average U.S. home’s energy consumption.”

Water Heating

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Heating your water contributes to 14% of your home energy usage. This includes doing household chores such as laundry and washing dishes. Also, if you take slightly hotter showers than usual, it can start to hike up your bill. Try reducing the amount of hot water you use or upgrading to more efficient models.


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Old refrigerator models can use more energy than modern appliances as they haven’t been built to be energy efficient like today’s models. They can also use excessive amounts of electricity due to being on continuously. You can consider upgrading to ENERGY STAR appliances for savings.

Clothes Dryers

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Electric Rate writes, “As all clothes dryers use a lot of electricity (up to 7.8 kW), they can represent a significant portion of your electricity usage.” Using older clothes dryers is also going to hike up your electricity bill. It may be worth upgrading to a newer model so that you can save in the long term.


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Traditional incandescent bulbs use far more energy than LED or CFL light bulbs. Ensuring that you have sufficient light in your home can contribute to 9% of your home energy usage. One way to reduce your electricity bill is to switch to energy-efficient bulbs and keep your lights turned off when you have enough natural lighting.


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If you have an old or large TV, then this can hike up your electricity bill. The main culprit for high energy usage when it comes to televisions is the plasma TV. New models should have power-saving settings, and always make sure you turn your TV off when you’re done using it.


Photo Credit: Zulkarnieiev Denis/Shutterstock.

Dishwashers are known for hiking up an electricity bill. For example, Energy Ogre writes, “They average over 1,000 watts of energy every hour, depending on usage and size. Not only do they drain energy while not being used, but that amount increases significantly when they are running.”

Home Office Equipment

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Devices such as computers and printers consume energy even when they’re in standby mode. To reduce the cost of your electric bill, you might want to consider turning your home office equipment off when it’s not in use. If you’re using your computer every day because you work from home, then it’s especially important to do this.


Photo Credit: TY Lim/Shutterstock.

Fans consume up to 110 watts of electricity and can cost you a huge $111 per year. Ceiling fans are important to cool a room in the summer or distribute heat in the winter. One way to reduce the energy consumption of a fan is to set up any timers so that it only runs for a set period.

Set-Top Boxes

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Popular Science writes, “The biggest energy drain in your house likely isn’t the fridge, air conditioner, or heater—it is, unbelievably, the TV set-top box.” If you have multiple set-top boxes, this can significantly increase your electricity bill. Try to unplug any boxes that aren’t in use to reduce your costs.

Electric Ovens and Stovetops

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These kitchen appliances can consume high amounts of energy, especially during periods of long baking or cooking. There are alternative cooking methods you can consider if you’re looking to reduce energy use, such as a slow cooker or microwave. Also, consider upgrading to newer and more energy-efficient models.


Photo Credit: Creative Cat Studio/Shutterstock.

Dehumidifiers are costly to run all the time, and they could add a huge $100 to your electricity bill. Other options to try and draw out moisture from your home include natural ventilation, fans, and moisture-absorbing crystals. While they’re important for preventing mold, they shouldn’t be used all day, every day.

Hot Tubs

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Hydropool writes, “When shopping for a hot tub, make sure that you do your research and select an energy-efficient model that will consume as little electricity as possible.” This is because hot tubs are known for hiking up electricity bills. For example, this luxury item could cost you up to $558 in energy each year.

Standby Mode Appliances

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A quarter of residential energy consumption comes from devices being left on standby. It’s important to be aware of items that you’re leaving on standby mode, as this can help you save. Try purchasing a power strip to make it easier to turn off appliances or ensure that a device is properly turned off after use.

Game Consoles

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Leaving game consoles on can cost you over $50 per year. Modern game consoles will usually feature a power-saving mode and automatically shut down if they aren’t in use. However, not all models will do this, and it can be something to check before purchasing a console.

Space Heaters

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Leaving a space heater on for a significant amount of time can hike your electricity bill. This is supported by BG Energy, which writes, “A 1,000-watt space heater operating 12 hours a day will add about $40 to your monthly bill.” To save on costs, try limiting usage to set periods.

Audio/Visual Gear

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Equipment such as amplifiers and visual gear can increase your electricity bill. To save energy, these devices should be unplugged when they aren’t in use. The annual costs of these items can contribute to your electricity bill by $40 each year, which may not sound like much per year, but everything will soon add up.

Washing Machines

Photo Credit: Sergiocerverafotografo/Shutterstock.

Washing machines can significantly add to your electricity bill, taking up a large percentage of household costs. It’s easy to try and reduce washing machine energy costs by putting clothes on a cool water setting. Many modern-day appliances are also more energy efficient, so it can be worth considering an upgrade.

Pool Pumps

Photo Credit: dvoevnore/Shutterstock.

Ohm Connect writes, “Unless you’re heating the pool, the culprit for a pool owner’s high energy bills is invariably the pool pump.” While they’re essential for keeping swimming pools clean, they can also cause high electric bills. Regular maintenance and only running the pump for a set amount of time can reduce your bill.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations

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Even though they’re more environmentally friendly, having an electric car can be detrimental to your electricity bill. This can be dependent on how often you use the charging station or the charging level, but you should try to be mindful of how much energy you’re using. Try installing a smart EV charger or charging your car during off-peak hours.

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