17 Most Common Things People Regret When They Get Old

As we journey through life, our choices and experiences shape us. In our later years, however, we often reflect on these moments, wondering what we could have done differently. This article explores the 17 most common regrets people have as they age and why.

Not Being True to Themselves

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One of the most common regrets that people in their later years have is neglecting their personal desires for societal or familial expectations. Because of this, they fail to pursue their dreams and ambitions. They regret not expressing their true personalities and interests, and now they worry that it’s too late.

Not Taking Enough Risks

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As goes the famous quote, “Life is inherently risky. There is only one big risk you should avoid at all costs, and that is the risk of doing nothing.” Unfortunately, many still spend their lives avoiding risk and end up regretting missed opportunities due to fear or hesitation. They often have the realization that their safe choices may have led to unfulfilled potential.

Neglecting Personal Health

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It’s not uncommon for people to spend their younger years drinking, partying, over-eating, and smoking—but this catches up to them eventually, and they come to regret not maintaining a healthier lifestyle in their youth. Many people only realize the importance of health when it begins to decline.

Not Nurturing Relationships

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Failing to invest time and effort into meaningful relationships is another regret that many people have when they get old. This includes regretting not reconciling or maintaining connections and realizing the influence of deep, fulfilling relationships on personal well-being all too late.

Spending Too Much Time Working

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Of course, work is important—it pays the bills. However, some people end up regretting not prioritizing a balance between their work and personal lives. They realize that they missed out on life experiences due to work commitments and wish they’d understood the importance of balance earlier.

Not Traveling Enough

Old woman traveling
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Other people find themselves regretting not exploring the world and experiencing different cultures when they were more able. They come to realize travel’s role in personal growth and perspective, and may long for more adventures and new experiences. Luckily, it’s never too late to travel!

Failing to Learn New Skills

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As shared by Vault, learning new skills keeps you healthy, opens doors, and increases your adaptability and likeability. With that in mind, it’s no wonder that many people come to regret not acquiring new knowledge or skills when they were younger. They may realize that they missed opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Letting Fear Overcome Action

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Another common thing that people regret when they get old is being paralyzed by fear in crucial moments. They may reflect on how fear inhibited their personal growth, wishing they had been braver in the face of uncertainty.

Not Saying “I Love You” Enough

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With age, people often come to realize the importance of expressing love and affection to others. They may have lost loved ones and feel regret over not verbalizing their feelings when they had the time or not showing enough love to their children when they were living at home.

Not Listening to Their Intuition

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Some people regret not listening to their intuition more throughout life, reflecting on times when they ignored their inner voice. They may now have realized the consequences of dismissing gut feelings, wishing they had trusted themselves more in decision-making.

Not Being Present

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“Struggling to be present is common when our minds are cluttered with thoughts, worries, and plans,” as per Calm. Unfortunately, this is the case for many people in their younger years. As people get older, however, they often regret being too distracted or disengaged in moments that mattered. They wish they had been more attentive to life’s little joys.

Holding Onto Grudges

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All too late, many people realize the emotional burden that unresolved conflicts and bitterness have on them. They come to regret the wasted time and energy spent on holding grudges, wishing they’d allowed themselves to feel more forgiveness and less resentment.

Not Expressing Feelings

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Not expressing feelings is another thing that many people come to regret with age when they realize the consequences of suppressing emotions and thoughts. They feel upset over the missed connections they could have had and all the misunderstandings due to a lack of communication.

Overlooking Self-Care

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Self-care is important no matter your age, but people often only realize this when they’ve reached their older years. At this point, they regret not prioritizing their self-care and mental health, realizing the importance of self-love and relaxation in their overall well-being.

Failing to Save Money for Retirement

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According to CBS News, “about 56% of surveyed workers feel they are lagging in saving for retirement, with 37% of that group describing themselves as ‘significantly behind.’” Sadly, the reality of bad financial planning hits later in life. People often regret not saving enough for a comfortable retirement, wishing they had been more financially prudent and forward-thinking.

Not Cherishing Every Moment With Loved Ones

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It’s easy to get caught up in life, only realizing the fleeting nature of time with family and friends when you get older. Many people feel regret over not valuing every moment spent with loved ones and wish for more time and memories with those who mattered most.

Neglecting Passionate Work

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.

Other people end up reflecting on the fulfillment they missed by not pursuing the work they were passionate about. They realize the importance of job satisfaction for overall happiness too late and end up wishing they had followed career paths that aligned more with their passions.

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