18 Phrases That Will Ruffle Any American’s Feathers

It has become a bit of a trend to make fun of Americans or American culture. While this can be done in good faith, there are some things that will surely put any American off. In this article, we look at 18 phrases that you should never say to an American.

“America Isn’t That Great”

Photo Credit: MDV Edwards/Shutterstock.

Many Americans may feel challenged when their country’s global status or domestic policies are critically questioned. Maybe it’s true that America is not the greatest country in the world but there is no way we can say it’s not great. Only someone who hasn’t seen the rest of the world can think this.

“Soccer Is Better Than Football”

Photo Credit: WeAre/Shutterstock.

Telling an American football fan that soccer is a superior sport can stir up a passionate debate. Yes, it’s true that soccer is the most popular sport in the world, but it isn’t that popular in the United States. To Americans, American football is a part of their culture and that’s why it means more to them.

“We Should Adopt the Metric System”

Photo Credit: michaeljung/Shutterstock.

Proposing the metric system over traditional U.S. measurements is often met with stubborn resistance. The metric system has its benefits, but it isn’t that simple. For example, the marks on the roads would all have to be changed to meters or kilometers instead of miles.

“I Don’t Tip at Restaurants”

Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock.

America has a way of saying thank you for service or service providers. However, foreigners usually have a problem with this since the practice is not common outside America. It’s understandable why this can be shocking, but many servers depend on tips to make a living.

“All Americans Are Rich”

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock.

This sweeping generalization ignores the significant economic struggles many Americans face. This probably comes from movies that tend to portray ordinary Americans as richer than normal. The Motley Fool reports that the median household income in 2022 was about $75,000, which is not much to survive in America.

“The American Dream Is Dead”

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.

Many people think the American Dream is not achievable anymore. This is because it’s harder now for people to move up economically than it used to be. The usual signs of success aren’t as easy to reach for everyone. However, many Americans feel less hopeful about their future and believe they can change their fate.

“Anyone Can Buy a Gun in America”

Photo Credit: Motortion Films/Shutterstock.

In America, there are strict rules about who can buy a gun and how. However, many people believe it’s too easy to get one. This belief causes a lot of strong feelings and debates about gun control. These misunderstandings about the actual laws can make discussions about this topic very heated.

“American Beer Is Awful”

Photo Credit: 4 PM production/Shutterstock.

People around the world like different kinds of beer. In America, there is a big movement of craft beer, which many people are proud of. But when someone says American beer is bad, beer fans in the U.S. might get upset. They feel proud of their beer and don’t like it when others put it down.

“Why Are Americans So Loud?”

Photo Credit: Monkey Business Images/shutterstock.

Americans are often seen as loud in both public and private places. This is just part of how they communicate, and it’s normal here. But when people from other countries say Americans are too loud, it can make them feel judged for being who they are. 

“Healthcare Should Be Free, Like in Europe”

Photo Credit: KAMPUS/Shutterstock.

In Europe, healthcare is often free, which isn’t the case in the U.S. Some people in America think healthcare should be free, too. This idea starts a lot of discussions about whether it’s possible and how it could be paid for. People have different opinions on if this would work in America.

“American Chocolate Tastes Like Wax”

Photo Credit: AS photo family/Shutterstock.

American chocolate is different from European chocolate, especially in what’s in it and how it’s made. In the U.S., some people love their local chocolate, but others might agree it’s not the best out there. It all comes down to different ingredients and different preferences.

“Americans Work Too Much”

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Compared to other countries, Americans often work a lot, sometimes at the cost of their personal lives. In America, working hard is seen as a good thing, but this can lead to poor health and less time for family or fun. The average American works 36.4 hours a week, which is usually not sustainable.

“The American Education System Is Failing”

Photo Credit: VH-studio/Shutterstock.

Does the American education system have its problems? Sure. However, to say that it’s failing is a bit of a stretch. At the moment, our education system ranks number 13 in the world, which is far from bad. Just because it’s not on top doesn’t mean it’s not working at all.

“Americans Don’t Know Geography”

Photo Credit: Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock.

There are some studies that show Americans might not know a lot about geography. This has created a stereotype that Americans are not good at knowing places around the world. When people hear this stereotype, it can make them feel embarrassed or annoyed. It points out weaknesses in the American education system, which is why it’s a sensitive topic.

“Fast Food Isn’t Real Food”

Photo Credit: Bobex-73/Shutterstock.

No American thinks that fast food is the finest cuisine out there. However, it’s a key element of American food culture, and if used correctly, it can be part of a healthy diet. The conversation on the consequences of eating this food too much is something else.

“Americans Are Wasteful”

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

In the U.S., lifestyle can have a big environmental impact because of how much people use and throw away. Americans often use a lot of resources, which leads to excessive waste. Many Americans see their way of consuming goods as a personal choice, not a problem.

“American Cars Aren’t Reliable”

Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock.

There is a debate about whether American cars are as good as cars from other countries. Over the years, the American auto industry has seen a lot of changes, and many are proud of what it has achieved. Car fans in the U.S. believe strongly in the quality and innovation of American cars.

“Why Is Everything in America So Big?”

Photo Credit: Luna Vandoorne/Shutterstock.

Comments on the large size of everything from food to cars can surprise and sometimes offend Americans who view it as normal. It’s true that things are bigger in America, but some people speak on the topic in a very offensive tone. Also, the joke is simply overdone.

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Photo Credit: Aleshyn_Andrei/Shutterstock.

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Photo Credit: Kevin Ruck/Shutterstock.

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Photo Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock.

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Photo Credit: Wirestock Creators/Shutterstock.

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Photo Credit: El Nariz/Shutterstock.

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