18 Signs That Someone Has Found True Happiness

Day-to-day life can be overwhelming, and it is tricky to find a balance between your career, your mental and physical health, and maintaining healthy relationships. Happiness is a complex emotion that can be found in so many different activities and ways of life. We’ve compiled a list of 18 signs someone has found true happiness in their life.

A Sense of Contentment

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Happy individuals experience a sense of satisfaction in their lives, often linked with inner peace. According to BetterUp, being content means being satisfied with who you are and what you have. “Instead of comparing yourself to others or wishing you had a different life, you feel you’re living a life you can stand behind.”

Reduced Stress and Anxiety Levels

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Happier people typically report lower levels of stress and anxiety in their daily lives, and research has found that this can be attributed to positive emotions providing a buffer to the negative effects of stress. Techniques such as mindfulness, regular exercise, and maintaining a work-life balance can help in managing stress and enhancing overall happiness.

Positive Self-Perception

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Having a positive self-image is closely linked to happiness, and individuals who have a healthy sense of self-worth typically experience higher levels of satisfaction in life. Acknowledging and embracing your own strengths and weaknesses is an important part of a positive self-image.

Strong and Healthy Relationships

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Stronger and more fulfilling relationships often go hand in hand with happiness, as happy people are more likely to exhibit empathy and support for others. The Help Guide says that in a healthy relationship, you should share “a common goal for exactly what you want the relationship to be and where you want it to go.” 

Passion and Purpose in Life

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Individuals who feel a sense of passion and purpose in their day-to-day lives often report higher levels of happiness and fulfillment as they feel they have more sense of direction. By identifying your passions and aligning them with daily activities or career choices, you can enhance your overall sense of purpose and, therefore, happiness.


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People who are comfortable in their lives show a greater ability to recover from stressful situations and adapt to change. According to the American Psychological Association, “a number of factors contribute to how well people adapt to adversities, including the ways in which individuals view and engage with the world, the availability and quality of social resources, and specific coping strategies.”

Frequent Laughter and Smiles

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Laughter and smiling have been found to have positive effects on well-being, reducing stress and enhancing mood. Engaging in activities or socializing with people that induce laughter can therefore lead to a better overall sense of well-being. You can even intentionally seek this through laughter yoga or humor therapy sessions.

High Levels of Energy and Vitality

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Happiness is associated with higher levels of energy and a feeling of vitality, which enables people to engage more fully in their day-to-day activities. Physical energy levels are impacted by regular physical activity, adequate sleep, and a balanced diet. On top of this, positive emotions can also boost your energy levels.

A Sense of Connectedness

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Feeling connected to others is a significant aspect of happiness and helps to foster a sense of belonging in your community. This can be enhanced by engaging in community projects, maintaining close relationships, and getting outdoors to experience nature. You can also improve your sense of connectedness by broadening your perspective on wider societal and global issues.

Flow Activities

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Flow activities are those that leave you feeling immersed and completely focused on what you are doing, as they are both enjoyable and challenging. Activities that induce flow can vary widely from person to person but often involve a balance between your skills and how much the activity challenges you.

Optimism About the Future

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According to Verywell Mind, “optimists tend to view hardships as learning experiences or temporary setbacks. Even the most miserable day holds the promise for them.” They also expect that good things will happen, and they are more able to set achievable goals for themselves.

Physical Health and Wellness

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There is a strong relationship between physical health and happiness, which works both ways. Exercise, for example, releases endorphins, often referred to as ‘feel-good’ hormones, which can improve mood and reduce feelings of depression and anxiety. Adequate sleep and a balanced diet are also important elements.

Emotional Intelligence and Awareness

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The ability to recognize and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others is closely linked to happiness and healthy relationships. This level of self-awareness means individuals are able to understand their emotional responses and the impact they have on their thoughts and behavior.

Mindfulness and Presence in the Moment

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The practice of mindfulness involves paying full attention to the present moment, which can reduce worry and stress while enhancing feelings of contentment. Techniques for mindfulness include meditation, mindful eating, and yoga, which can all lead to greater emotional balance and happiness.


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Acts of kindness and generosity often result in increased feelings of happiness as well as promoting a sense of community. CNBC reported that “helping people and giving things to others can increase your ‘feel good’ chemicals like dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin.” This generosity can be demonstrated through engaging in volunteer work, helping others in everyday life, or donating to causes.

Creative Expression

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Taking part in creative activities allows you to express yourself artistically, as well as being a source of joy and satisfaction. From art and writing to problem-solving and innovative thinking, creativity can take many forms, and the process is usually just as rewarding as the outcome.

Financial Stability

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While high levels of wealth don’t guarantee happiness, being financially stable can alleviate stress and anxiety in day-to-day life. This involves living within your means, setting realistic financial goals, and finding satisfaction in what you already have rather than constantly desiring more.

A Deep Sense of Gratitude

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Gratitude is a powerful emotion, and appreciating what you have significantly contributes to overall happiness. It can be helpful to keep a gratitude journal or regularly reflect on what you have to be thankful for in life. Equally, expressing gratitude to others can strengthen relationships, improve emotional health, and foster a positive life outlook.

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