18 Things Old People Love That the Rest of Us Don’t Care About

Old is gold, but we can all agree that some things old people like are a little strange to the rest of us. In this article, we look at some things older people enjoy that we simply can’t wrap our heads around. 

Print Newspapers

Photo Credit: qvist/Shutterstock.

While most of us are obsessed with screens, the older generations love the physical touch and smell of paper in print newspapers. The ritual of reading a newspaper daily is a cherished routine for many of them. However, this is slowly changing, as Words Rated predicts a 13% global decline in newspaper and magazine revenue by 2027. 

Knitting and Crocheting

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.

Knitting and crocheting are not just hobbies, but a form of personal expression and community building for many seniors. Handmade items created through knitting and crocheting are highly valued for their personal touch. Knitting also serves as a therapeutic hobby, offering relaxation and stress relief.

Early Bird Specials

Photo Credit: Motortion Films/Shutterstock.

Many elderly individuals prefer the peace and cost-effectiveness of early bird dining options. They frequently dine out early to avoid the rush and enjoy a quieter atmosphere. However, most of us prefer a slightly later dinner in an entertaining atmosphere to keep things exciting. 

Garden Tending

Photo Credit: Prostock-studio/Shutterstock.

Gardening offers a special blend of physical activity, connection with nature, and personal fulfillment for older people. Additionally, the sense of accomplishment from growing and nurturing plants is highly rewarding. This is a good thing because Dandy’s Topsoil says gardeners can live up to 14 years longer than those who don’t garden. 

Hard Candy

Photo Credit: Stivog/Shutterstock.

Hard candy is a staple in many older people’s lives, loved for its nostalgia and sweetness. You often find it in grandma’s purse, serving as a ready treat for the lovely grandkids. They also love it for parties, gifting, and as an afternoon pick-me-up. 

Antiques and Collectibles

Photo Credit: Wongpradu/Shutterstock.

Older people love antiques and collectibles because they remind them of the past. These items are special because they have a history and can be worth more money over time. For many seniors, collecting these things helps them remember the old days and keep those memories alive.

Writing Letters

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

The personal touch of writing letters by hand makes them highly valued keepsakes. These letters are a way to show care and keep connections strong. Unlike emails or texts, a handwritten letter can be held and kept, making it a treasured memory. 

Listening to the Radio

Photo Credit: janta.rus/Shutterstock.

The radio can provide company and fill the room with voices or music, reducing feelings of loneliness. Older individuals enjoy shows that remind them of earlier times and bring comfort. This simple joy is why many elderly people still love tuning in to their favorite radio stations.

Using Cash

Photo Credit: Pixel-Shot/Shutterstock.

Older people often stick to using cash for its familiarity, budgeting ease, and privacy benefits. They also prefer it because it’s what they’re used to. In a system that’s quickly going digital, sticking to cash payments gives them a sense of control and privacy.

Watching Game Shows

Photo Credit: adriaticfoto/Shutterstock.

Game shows are more popular than you think. The New York Times reports that the popular show Jeopardy gets about 1.1 million viewers per episode. While there may be some younger people watching these shows, overall, game shows provide entertainment and mental exercise that many older individuals enjoy.

Visiting Libraries

Photo Credit: Diego Cervo/Shutterstock.

Old people often love libraries because they adore books and enjoy the quiet they find there. Libraries are like safe havens where they can read, learn, and think without noise. Many libraries also have activities and programs that help older people make friends and learn new things. 

Porch Sitting

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Many older people find joy in sitting on their porches. This simple activity lets them relax and take in the fresh air while observing what’s happening around them. Porches are also great places for having chats with friends or neighbors who pass by throughout the day.

Bingo Nights

Photo Credit: Anatoliy Cherkas/Shutterstock.

Bingo nights are special for many old people because they are fun and social. At these gatherings, they can play a friendly game, compete a little, and maybe win something. But more than that, bingo nights are about being with others and sharing good times. 

Rotary Phones

Photo Credit: Oleg Krugliak/Shutterstock.

Old people often have a strange fondness for rotary phones. These phones remind them of the past and offer a different experience from today’s digital devices. Dialing the numbers round and round and hearing the unique sound of the mechanism can also be very satisfying. 

Canning and Preserving Food

Photo Credit: Chatham172/Shutterstock.

The tradition of canning and preserving food is a practice passed down through generations in some families. Old people see it as a smart way to save money and keep enjoying their favorite fruits and vegetables all year long. There’s also a great sense of pride and independence in knowing how to preserve food. 

Swing and Ballroom Dancing

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.

The Bethesda Health Group says dancing has many benefits for older people, most notably better health. The enjoyment of music and dance rhythm also contributes to the overall well-being of seniors. Swing and ballroom are important parts of social life and cultural heritage for many older adults.

Wearing Hats

Photo Credit: Lucigerma/Shutterstock.

Wearing hats is considered a fashion statement and a nod to traditional style by many in the older generation. They hold a place in style, function, and personal history, making them a favored accessory among older people. Hats also provide practical benefits like sun protection, which is especially important for older adults.

Telling Stories

Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock.

Through storytelling, older adults pass down wisdom, connect with others, and keep their legacies alive. In some cultures, it connects generations and helps preserve family and cultural history. This art is unfortunately lost on the young because they prefer movies and social media.

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Photo Credit: Sean Pavone/Shutterstock.

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