18 Things That Christianity Should Be More Tolerant About

Even though Christianity is all about tradition, it has always had to adapt to the times to keep its followers. These current times are no different. In this article, we look at 18 things Christianity needs to be more tolerant about in modern times. 

Other Religions

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Christianity can benefit from acknowledging and respecting the diversity of other religious paths. Other beliefs are just as valid as Christian beliefs. None of us has the authority to decide what beliefs are superior. Getting along with others is the easiest solution in a global community where we are so different from one another. 

Sexual Orientation

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Christians are increasingly recognizing the importance of welcoming and affirming LGBTQ+ individuals. BBC News says that recently, Pope Francis allowed priests to bless same-sex marriages. This was one of the biggest steps forward in the fight against LGBTQ+ couple segregation. We have yet to see what other churches say. 

Gender Equality

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The role of women in Christianity is evolving, with a push toward more equitable participation. Women have always been a key part of our communities and to ignore their contributions would be criminal. Before, women couldn’t hold positions of power, but in recent years, they have been allowed some responsibility, even though it is not there yet. 

Divorce and Remarriage

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Divorce and remarriage are realities that the Church is learning to approach with compassion and understanding. Staying in a bad marriage shouldn’t be seen as a better option than leaving and staying unmarried. At the end of the day, 50% of marriages in the U.S. end in divorce. 

Science and Evolution

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The relationship between Christianity and science, including evolution, is becoming more intertwined. The earlier centuries saw many people get executed for even stipulating that science goes against what the Bible says. Nowadays, scientific discoveries are accepted by the Church, and some are even funded by religious institutions. 

Political Opinions

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Christians are encouraged to respect and listen to differing political opinions within their communities. Jesus taught tolerance, so disregarding someone because of their beliefs goes directly against what He taught. Unfortunately, some Christians still don’t tolerate others’ opinions, but hopefully, we will all live in peace one day.

Mental Health

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Addressing mental health is crucial, and the church can play a significant role in offering support. By acknowledging mental health issues, the Church can send a message to people in power to think about mental health as a pressing issue.

Other Denominations

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Different Christian groups have their own ways of understanding God, but they should all respect each other. This helps all Christians come together and work as one big family. By talking and understanding each other, they can create a friendly environment where everyone feels respected and valued.

Economic Inequality

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True Christians believe it’s important to help people who are poor or don’t have much. They think everyone should have a fair chance in life. This includes trying to change things so that everyone can have what they need, like food and a home. Anyone can do this by helping in their communities and speaking up for what is right, so everyone can live better lives.

Climate Change

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Scientific reports state that our planet is increasingly warming up. Initially, environmental issues were often seen as separate from spiritual life. However, there is now a growing acknowledgment within the Church of the moral imperative to care for the environment. Going forward, the church can lead by example, implementing sustainable practices in its operations and advocating for environmental concerns in the wider community.

Cultural Differences

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Christians come from many different cultures, and this is something good. Cultural differences were once a source of misunderstanding or conflict within the church. However, there’s now a greater appreciation for cultural diversity as an enriching aspect of the Christian community. The Church is learning from its multicultural congregations, recognizing the value of diverse cultural expressions. 


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In terms of education, the Church has traditionally supported schooling, but often within a narrow framework. We now see the importance of accessible education for all, acknowledging different educational pathways and lifelong learning. Christians’ role in the future could involve advocating for inclusive educational policies and supporting a variety of educational initiatives.

Health Care

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With the power it holds, the church can advocate for accessible health care as a fundamental aspect of caring for the community. Christianity needs to go from primarily supporting hospital missions to advocating for accessible health care for all. This way, it can make a tangible change to the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of individuals. 


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Unlike before, the Christian community is increasingly aware of the need to support immigrants and refugees compassionately. Some religious leaders have even criticized government responses to increased immigration, bringing light to the mistreatment of immigrants, both legal and illegal. It is a positive sign that the church wants to help everyone, even those who don’t call this country home yet.

Wealth Distribution

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Discussing wealth distribution and economic justice is vital for a church committed to fairness and equity. Even though it isn’t talked about, the church itself has a lot of wealth and can lead by example by sharing some of it with less advantaged people in the community. 

Substance Abuse

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There’s been a shift toward a more empathetic and supportive approach, recognizing addiction as a complex issue requiring compassion and comprehensive support. Historically, the Church may have seen addiction as a moral failing, but now there is a greater emphasis on providing recovery support and promoting healthy coping mechanisms. 

Prison Reform

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Prison reform is another area where the church’s perspective is evolving. In the past, the church’s involvement in prison issues might have been limited to spiritual support through prison ministry. However, there’s a growing recognition within the church of the need for advocating humane treatment and supporting rehabilitation programs. The church’s role is expanding from mere spiritual guidance to active advocacy for a more compassionate justice system. 

Artificial Intelligence

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With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), the Church is facing new ethical dilemmas and theological questions. Initially, the Church might have been cautious or even skeptical about technology’s role in society and faith. Now, there’s no way to avoid it, as it is everywhere in our lives.

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Photo Credit: Krakenimages.com/Shutterstock.

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