18 Things Women Over 60 Should Stop Doing

As we get older, there are certain considerations to make, such as things we should no longer be doing. Of course, nobody wants to be a quitter, but sometimes, it’s necessary to hold back for our health and well-being. In this article, we’ll uncover 18 things we think women in their 60s should refrain from. Check them out!

Living in the Past

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.

It’s so important to accept that the past cannot be changed, more so than ever when you reach your later years. Rehashing old memories can increase your stress levels and cause upset when you should be focusing on the present instead. If you find yourself unable to stop living in the past, it’s best to seek help to move past significant negative events​.

Putting Yourself Down

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As shared by VeryWell Mind, putting yourself down can cause low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and pessimism. So, do your best to avoid negative self-talk and build up your self-esteem instead. Embrace your worth regardless of your age or life achievements, and recognize and celebrate your unique qualities and experiences​.

Fearing Change

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Change can feel scary at any age, but particularly over 60 when you may be settled into a routine. Try to embrace change as a part of personal growth and understand that not all changes will feel comfortable. To fully enjoy life, you need to be open to new experiences and ways of living​—no matter how old you’re getting.


Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.

This may be easier said than done, but it’s important to reduce your stress levels by avoiding needless worry. Why not practice mindfulness to help you stay present in the moment? You could also utilize tools like meditation to calm the mind and relax your body.​

Skipping Blood Pressure Readings

Photo Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock.

According to the NIH, “It is known from various studies that rising blood pressure is associated with increased cardiovascular risk.” So, it’s more important than ever to regularly monitor your blood pressure as you age. Understand the risks associated with high blood pressure, and be sure to consult healthcare providers for proper management​.

Skipping Exercise

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Let’s be honest—it may have been a lot easier to get up and exercise when you were in your twenties, but there’s no excuse to sit around all day just because you’re in your sixties now. It’s essential to engage in regular physical activity for various health benefits, such as improved memory, bone health, and sleep quality. Choose activities suitable for your age and fitness level.


Photo Credit: Davor Geber/Shutterstock.

A little tipple from time to time is fine, of course, but over-drinking can have serious consequences for those in their sixties and beyond. It’s best to practice moderate alcohol consumption to reduce health risks. You should also be aware of potential interactions with medications and understand the increased risks of alcohol with aging​.

Lifting Heavy Weights

Photo Credit: Vaillery/Shutterstock.

The Washington Post says, “Healthy people in their 60s, 70s, and beyond can safely start lifting weights and rapidly build substantial muscle mass.” However, lifting weights that are too heavy can have severe consequences. Opt for lighter weights to maintain your strength in a manageable way, and be sure to consider the risks of heavy lifting for older adults.

Eating Sushi Regularly

Photo Credit: Ruslan Huzau/Shutterstock.

Unfortunately, many of those in their sixties and above may develop some form of illness that weakens their immune system, in which case it is not recommended to eat sushi. If this is the case for you, be cautious about consuming raw fish and understand the risks of bacteria and food poisoning. It may be best to opt for cooked or safer seafood alternatives​.

Jumping Out of Bed

Photo Credit: michaeljung/Shutterstock.

Excited to get up and start the day? That’s great, but be sure not to just jump straight out of bed first thing! This may have been possible when you were younger, but as you get older, it’s best to wake up gently to protect aging joints and muscles. It’s also recommended that you perform stretches before starting your day, allowing your body time to adjust when waking up​​.


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Smoking at any age isn’t great for your health, but this is something to be taken more seriously in your sixties and beyond. We suggest you conduct some research and recognize the immediate health benefits of quitting. It may be beneficial to consult professionals for support and guidance.

Not Getting Enough Sleep

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It’s essential to prioritize sleep for cognitive function and well-being. Your body isn’t as able to keep up with a lack of sleep as it was in your twenties and thirties, so try to develop a consistent bedtime routine. Where possible, avoid habits that disrupt sleep, like late-day napping​ or caffeine before bed​.

Getting Too Stressed

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According to the AARP, “With age, our bodies react more intensely to stress; its effects on our health can become more toxic.” So, it’s important to identify and address the causes of any stress you may be feeling. Practice relaxation techniques like yoga and deep breathing, and engage in supportive social interactions​​.

Traveling Alone

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This isn’t necessarily something you should completely stop, but rather something to think twice about. Make sure that you’re aware of possible safety and health concerns while traveling. It may be best to plan for companionship or support during trips, and above all, stay connected with friends or family when traveling​​.

Bootcamp Classes

Photo Credit: DenisProduction.com/Shutterstock.

As mentioned above, exercise is great for you, no matter your age. However, it’s best to choose low-impact exercise options and to understand the risks of high-intensity workouts. We suggest you focus on exercises that improve strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health.​

Bad Eating Habits

Photo Credit: simona pilolla 2/Shutterstock.

We all like to indulge every now and again, but with age unfortunately comes a necessary focus on health. So, snack on healthy foods like homemade trail mix with whole grain cereal, dried cranberries, chocolate chips, and sunflower seeds. It’s also smart to incorporate Omega-3-rich foods like fish oil and to choose natural foods over processed ones.

Following Fad Fashion Trends

Photo Credit: Anna Zhuk/Shutterstock.

Instead of spending extra money and effort on attempting to follow the latest trends, embrace fashion that flatters your body and reflects your personal style. Focus on building a wardrobe with essential, timeless pieces like quality underwear, a silk blouse, tailored trousers, and a versatile black dress.

Moves That Put Weight Behind Your Head or Neck

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Both when exercising and when moving about in your daily life, it’s important to be mindful of movements that strain the shoulders. As told by John Hopkins, when you age, you become more susceptible to injuries. So, focus on maintaining healthy shoulder strength and a solid range of motion​.

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Photo Credit: Roman Samborskyi/Shutterstock.

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Photo Credit: Jacob Lund/Shutterstock.

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Photo Credit: Aaron of L.A./Shutterstock.

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Photo Credit: Sean Pavone/Shutterstock.

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Photo Credit: Aleshyn_Andrei/Shutterstock.

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